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Show NOTICE. NunilK-r 6-Notice is hereby riven l,y the city council of Maui: City.ol the ,iit,,iti,.n to lil,;l:c the follow iiisr d.-scriliod ili:i.i ..vein, nts to w it : 1 he exteli.sie.n of vt. T num. in wiit.-r distriet number -24. w hicn cei'ili.-uees ,-it ;t point on Mnin street interseetiner vnli .-ee,.!i.i -onlh street, ami rininim: west on lsttcr stie t throe and one hill f (.1 !,, 1 I.I. irks, i.t a ! . .liable en-1 of eiilit linn, li-od iin.l unity di.llnrs ,-::n.i The estimated cost thereni is to he met l.y a looil assessment upon the lets or ) . io.-i s nt irrnund within the 1. .1 lowimr . Ic.sei i 1 .ed distriet. ileitis; the distriet to lie iillceicd or li.-iiciill.-d l.vsjid improyemcnl viz: All lots or pieces of land Itiiii! on either fide, I : n ileum of 1:; rods, of the specified s reel of tlie proposed main. All protests and oliivclioiis to the carrying out of sneli i utenlion mud l,c presented pre-sented in writing t.. the city record, r on of helore Die 1 1 tli ihivol April. Is..... l)i-inL' the lime set I,y sal-1 e,.iui.il hen it will hear and oonsid.r 'such nlij. eti.ms as may l,e len.lc thereto. Ity m.ler of llieeitv ennneil of .Manti Citv. N . W. AMIldtSoN, I'ltV Ue. oid r. Hated March 19, ls'.'J. |