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Show NOTICE OF K.N TRY OF LAND. Notice is licnliy niv-ll l.y liic tiiii'.crsiuiieJ, tiie mayor of -Mniolll city, in Snlipcte collf.lv. that I have clilf l . il, at t lie I'll il .1 Stales hniil nllicc at Salt Luke citv. I tali territory, for ami in behalf ol tlie inhabitant.- ot .Moroni citv in Sanpete countv. I tab. ten Itorv. the loilnwili;,-dcsi loilnwili;,-dcsi ril.eil lan.l. to 11: Tlie s .lit ll half of Hi; snutli-wost iiiartor of section two: the norlli-east norlli-east qua iter ol the north-east itiai!t-r of s. c-lion c-lion nine; the north half of the north-west oiiarter ami north-ciist .jiiniter of section ten, anil the north -west qnrt. r of seetion eleven, all in the township ol lifteen eolith, of ramie three cast of Salt l.ake m-ri.li:ui, I'tah ter.i-tory, ter.i-tory, anil eontainiu live liuinlre.1 and twenty '.teres. Public notice is hereby jriven to ail clNiinm2 to be the riKlitlnl owners ..f poes- to tile occupancy or possession of Mich land as above iliscrilieil. or to nnv lot. block, share or unreel thereof, to tile with the clerk of the probate court ot Sanpete county, a Sl-.teill.-lit in writing contuilnliir an acciira'e description of lie jMirt.cnlar parcel 01 parcels of binrl in w liirh he, snc or thev elnini to have any inlerest, noil t lie spc-nic ri'tdit. interest, or estate therein, which he, sle; or th. v claim to he enntled t" receive, said st alon'i. lit t" be tiled w ithin sis months from the dale of the first puhlictinn of this notice, Pule.l at Mm 0111 city, l-'ebruaiy A. ' 1 c ANI-KF.U- 1.' JKM-F.X -Meyor nt Moroni Citr. |