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Show MANTI. James Wareham, Esq., called tc-Jay, Tho retail liquor license will bs 250 dollars eac U quarter. The timbers have all been received that will be used in the new "divider." Several wagon load of sheep shears passed through town today on their way south. P. J. Niolson has moved into his new home first door east of the assembly hall on Third Street south. Moroni will meet Kphraim at the latter named place to day in a game of base ball. The recent storms have caused the farmers to rejoice a9 their grain is now np and growing as well as could be wished for. Lamonte Reeves Parsons, aged 0 months, son of Arthur H. and Millie Parsons Par-sons ef Manti, died of bronchittis last Saturday at 7:10 p. m. Miss Minnie Jaspersou will return to Manti next week and then organize a class in brush and pen work, on plush and other articles , at Ephraitn. On account of the great amount of reading matter in this week's issue, it was necessary to call to onr assistance at the case, Miss Olivia Peacock. The council refused to straighten the bed of City creek from Sloan's black smith shop on Union street to where it crosses First North back of the Boord of Trade. Little Joseph Sehougaard was out in his base ball uniform yesterday, and eaueed no little comment at the game. He was immediately labeled as "A Sentinel Sen-tinel Pet." Lottie's letter on hard times, as told by the old ladies of Manti, will soon ap-per.r ap-per.r in the columns of this paper, The little lady tells the whole truth, and exactly ex-actly as given by the lady pioneers. Master James Hall and Melrose Spicer have been added to our list as carrier boys. They are little gentlemen and this paper asks that our subscribers notice them when they call with the paper. On visiting his pasture yesterday, Mr. I. Vorhees found one of his two year old colts fast in the mire, where from all appearances it had been for several hours. After considerable trouble the animal was taken out. What is the matter with the Silt Lake post-office? A letter addressed to a young gentleman at that place, marked retnrn in five days if not called for, was returned to Mr. George Scott the other day yellow and worn with age. The Ancient Orler United Workmen have rented the upstairs of L. C. Kjar's harness shop for two years and are having it nicely fitted up for their lodge room. No means will be spared in making mak-ing it complete and convenient. A new bridgo will be placed across the Souta hollow, under the direction .of the suprevisor, at the corner of Joseph Larsen's lot. A nninber of boxes will be placed in position, and other Improvements will be made this fall. In this issue will appear for the first time the ad. of Rowe, Morris. Snmnier-hays Snmnier-hays Co.. dealers in wool, hides, sheep pelts, etc. They are a reliable firm and I this paper takes pli asnre in introducing introduc-ing them to its many readers who have not as et formed their acquaintance. Yesterday the Ephraim ball club visited Manti, and were defeated by the home club by a score of 24 to 15. The Ephraim men were gentlemen and took their defeat in good part. A dance was given at Grier.s hall in tho evening in their honor and all enjoyed themselves. Dr. F. R. Kenner, William I.nke, and John H. Hougaard, district trustees, have examined the schools of Manti and report themselves as satisfied with their conduct, and pleased with the teachers. Friday was the last of the term, and Monday school begins without with-out a vacation. There are repeated demands for copies of the Salt Lake dailies, and our exchanges ex-changes are loaned, contrary to our wishes, to many visitors for the reason none of them can be found on sale in lumi Thorn is a field here for some enterprising man or womau -to handle these papers and serve as correspondents. correspon-dents. At the last two sessions of the conjoint con-joint meeting several young "ladies and gentlemen" favored those taking part on the program with whistling aud whimpering. This will be promptly enrpressed hereafter and offenders will be promptly invited to withdraw themselves them-selves from the room, and efforts will be made to see they all go. |