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Show Salina. From Jhe Central Utah Tiess of March 20: There is talk of organizing a riding riub in town. Mr. T. G. Schroder has been making extensive improvements at his residence which adds materially to iu appearance. appear-ance. Miss Yira West has returned home from Joseph city where she has been teaching the district echoo' the past winter. Martin Oisen aud wife, of Spring city are visiting Mrs. Mai teiisei),;virs. (Msen's mother, this week. . They arrived last Monday. Pri ilos..or lulton, brother of Ike Pal-ton Pal-ton who is starting the new barber shop next door to the reading room, was in town this week. John Kinney will commence the erection erec-tion of the first queen aim cottage in Salina next week. It will be located on Main street. Tho contract for the house will probably be awarded to T. G. Schro.ler - Son. John 1'icketf, who had been badly hurt by a wagon backing over him recently, and C. Christensen, who had his hip dislocated, are both improving, aud will soon be able to be out on the streets of Gunnison again. Some cf the boys from the district school went over to Redmond last Saturday Sat-urday to play a match game of baseball w:th a nine from that school. They started out with the hopes of accomplishing accomp-lishing lunch, and at that time would i ot have taken a large amount to resign their chances of winning renown on the diamond field. Alas! their hopes were soon to be dashed to the ground. The shearers were shorn. Like a rooster which sometimes goes visiting and returns with its tail feathers trailing in the dust, they slipped back home when the shades of night were gathering over the valley and on'y spoke about the result when pressed. The boys will find many more disappointments awaiting await-ing them as they are going through life, and this will appear very small in comparison to some that will cross their pathway. |