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Show np on sooner or later. .In this country we do not like to think of war or provide for its possible coming, but as the surest way t insure peace is to to rrepared for war, thoughtful men are beginning to give the subject more consideration. Travelers in eastern Thibet are told of a race of hairy wild men, clad in skins, and speaking an incomprehensible language, that live in the neighboring mountains. Quite curiously, the same bsr.-eu region is the home of tho wild camel and the wild horse, believed to be prototypos of the domsstieated varieties. varie-ties. Ia some parts of Mexico, it is said ebony is so abundant that tbe people use it as fuel, and it is bnrned in the loco motives of the Montery and Gulf railroad. rail-road. - "Eery thing indicates," says the Richfield Rich-field Advocate, 'that another gigantic crop will te raised in the 'Garden Valley' this year." There, you have been prying into your neighbors' affairs, Tbe Sentinel has patiently awaited for proof of the statement recently made by "X" in The Pyramid that a sehool teacher was teaching democracy in the Mount Pleasant schools. The party who first made the assertion has seen fit to remain silent when the teacher denied the accusation. There is but one construction con-struction to be placed' on the silence of "X" he, or she, is a coward and uttered a falsehood knowing it to be such. "Faithful are the wounds of a friend,'' says some one. Why cannot the Salt Lake Herald have an agent and correspondent corre-spondent at Manti? A resent letter from this place appeared in its columns, and, from beginning to end it did not utter a trnthful assertion. It consisted of a mass of rot and sadly rflected npon our people, who one and all are acquainted wit a tbe American language. Let the Herald "move" itself or give Manti the perpetual snub. The Johnson county war sajs the Rock Springs (Wyoming) Review, between be-tween the cattle owners and thieves has broken out afresh." This time there is no loss of human life, bat the freebooters free-booters are riding the ranges and shooting down beeves and horses while ammunition lasts. The finding of carcasses car-casses carrying ride bullets and bearing bear-ing the brands of large owners is reported re-ported froiarf he districts. Losses by this means sVen now number scores. A fight to a finish is now on. The thieves are determined io drive legitimate stockmen from Johusou and a coup e of other counties; '-They - have sent out death warrarrtsi and announce their ownership uf eynry hoof in their territory. terri-tory. ' It is now tn iird,erHo .eatla democratic county convention, and tnseleeting the place where thfrsame shall be field; this journal calls the attention of the central cen-tral committee to the claims of Ephraim. Eph-raim. She is centrally located, her people are . hospitable and kind. She! has never been honored with such a I meeting by any party. It Is of great importance that every locality in this county shall be preseat and represented. Let every precinct respond. Gunnison, Mayfield, Sterling, Fayett and Dover will join hands with and answer back the battle cry of Mount Pleasant, ChesterjFairvlew. Wales and Fountain Green, and with Ephraim and Manti, sweep tbe county on the issues as outlined out-lined by the republicans of Sanpete. The battlry 14, "Unnecessary Taxation Taxa-tion Is Unjust Taxation." "No Bounty On Sugar." "Equal Taxation of Mortgages Mort-gages or None." General Boynton has lately had a series of artieles in the Washing PoBt showing what preparations Great Britain has made and is making for offensive operations on our northern border. Great canals are being constructed con-structed through which England's immense im-mense warships can pass from the Saint Lawrence into the upper lakes and a Hn6of naval posts of great strength has been established facing oar entire Atlantic eoast from Halifax to Jamacai. Jn addyioa to this a naval station has been established on the PaciPc commanding com-manding the entrance to Pnget sound and lying between our possessions on the coast. In connection with this the . Interview lately held with General lilies, calling attention to tbe really defenseless condition of this country as gainst any well equipped naval power. The general believes that in these days the dynamite, electricity, machine-gung machine-gung and similar modern eagines of wa rtte American idea that there is time enough to prepare for war when it come ir net unlikely to he laflly slipped |