OCR Text |
Show r TviiUS NOTES. ! !L.Tri:0)i vas rt'porls.l ii?tter ; Cijirii-tt -.ij3 tliat MUfb-H mnst po-it "a -..if-it of i"i,C-:0 if he wislips to f?ht Willi him. ... Captain A. G. AVcissrrt of Miiwanhee, Wis., v.afi oloccr:l Commander-in-Chief of the Grand Army of the R.Hubiic. Attoutey-GHfral Miller i- said to hiv. rct!mm-iii1;.t to Presid-v. t Hr.rri-soa Hr.rri-soa ths appointisi'tit of I. A. B-nio:i as. Unit iM States tuarshal for Utah. A Morristown, Pa., man cnt the throat of his 16-aioiithej-old babe. Thursday and washed his face tin its !!uo4. He paid he killed the infant so it could- be .and augcl. A Tennesson nop;ro has bsea called to reigrn over a stur.ll kingdom in Africa. Robbers wrecked a train bearing $!,-000,000 $!,-000,000 Wednesday near Oiage City Kan., killini? fonrmen':- |