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Show Stray Bits- Selby Jones, of Provo, is In this city. Patrick SGllmore, the band master, died Saturday night at St. Lonls, President Harrison: Saturday appelated ap-pelated living A, Benton United States Marshal for Utah to succeed Mr, Parsons. The Hon. - W. H. King 'and VV, Van Cott are stumping Sevier cotmty in the interests of democracy. - At the Fair, the James t, McDonald Candy Co., will exhibit the largest line of candy ever shown la Utah, The U'ury In the Whetstone mrjrder case which has been oecnpipg the court at Cgden for the week past,4 returned a: verdict of not guilty Saturday? John T. Caine will ejnk at the demo- j eratlc county convention' at Sphralm on Oet. 21st and on the following Monday 1 will visit this city. Frank J Cannon will sprttk at ph-raljc ph-raljc on Monday eight. He is a brilliant bril-liant talker, and all who attend will hear a good, seund diteonfse ot republican republi-can principles. The Mt. Pleasant and Eobrism bands are booked for contest. A number of the Mt. Pleasant boys wtre at Ephriam Saturday well supplied with cash to back their band. The Ephriamltee were with them and many bets, aggreating about 11,000, were made. While John 8 Lindsay's company were playing at Kephi a few night since a sneak-thief entered s dressing and stole a pocket book containing eight dollars, the property of one of the company: com-pany: All efforts to trace the thief were without avail; He could not be found. A primary meeting of the democratic party of Manti will be held in the city hall on Thursday, the 29th day of September Sep-tember 1892 at f o'clock p. m. for the purpose of electing 13 delegdtes to the county convention to be held at Ephriam on the 21st "day of October 1892, to nominate nomi-nate county officers and to elect 23 delegates dele-gates to-.thetterrltofiai convention at aa Provo The author is to be congratulated upon the excellence of his production wnich ranks well with those of more noted play writers. The plot is well laid and the Interest of the andience is held until the denouncement. The play is not overburdened with . people, none ; of the characters are overdawn, nor do the situations extend beyond the natural and life-like. We pronounce "Under One Flag" a more than average play, and one that does great credit to the author. Salt Lake Herald. - |