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Show Uncla G:iorgo Snow returned from Salt Lak? Monday. i'vs. I. J!. iiriind is reeeiviag millinery millin-ery goods direct from the east In all the " laU'-.! stjles and novelties tor the oom-sjafon, oom-sjafon, ttimmed hats a specialty. We acknowledge the reelpt of an In- ti vita: ion to the wedding of B. M. Cnn- w ninnsm and Miss AHle E. Dunn, of s ! Provo, and regret that we cannot attend. 1 .We learn from a friend that a social club, having fur its object the amne- ment and entertainment of its members is one of the coming local organizations. o The stake primary conference was held at the tabernacle yesterday, lbs a territorial president was present and t there was a large tnrn out of children to greet her. 0 Just arrived at the "Cheap Cash Store" opposite the tabernacle, a complete line of gent3 furnishing goods, groceries, ialies hose etc., which will be sold cheap as the cheapest. 8. B. Atwood Prop, tf c Call and 886 Mrs. I. B. Brunei' beantl- f nl velvets and dress trimmings, alio g ladies and genta kid gloves and mlts j for the cold weather and jndge for yourselves your-selves the prices and quality. c Earrings, breast pins, watch chains, watch charms, enff and collar buttons, mens solid gold rings with set, all goods guaranteed to be as represented or uiuiiey refunded at the Chicago store. br. W. J iHosford retarnedl from Salt , Lake Thursday. While at the capital , the doctor went before Judge Zane, , took the required oath and is now a full i I fliuisrod American citizen, i I )!'. pons and sons-in-law of A. B, ( I sierriam surprised that gentleman laBt . I i- I.t- ,.r.niilinar him with a hiffh- LOCAL BRIEFS- N. H. Felt wentto Salt Lake on Tuesday. Tues-day. "Under One Flag" at Grier's hall Monday Mon-day night. j. H. Clinger of the Consolidated Im-pliment Im-pliment Co. was in this city Monday. Meeting of the Columbus day commit tee Monday night at the council chamber. cham-ber. Ward. Stevenson, editor of the Ephriam Eph-riam Enterprise was In this city Wednesday.: Wed-nesday.: E, C. Coffin, of the CofE'.n Hardware Co. of Salt Lake, was in this city Thursday. Mr. E. Olson and wife and Mr. Sarn- uel Cox, of Price, were visitors at this office Tuesday . There Is a movement ou foot to organ-ize organ-ize a reading club In this city. Success to the movement. Mrs. Prescott was probably fatally burned at Park city Sunday by the explosion ex-plosion of an oil lamp. Miss Tennie Berg, of Provo was a visitor at this office Tuesday. She returned re-turned home Thursday. There will be a meeting of the Coiujo bus day committee at the council chamber cham-ber Monday night at 8 o'clock. Quite a number of Maiiu uemnci .u -went t Ephriam to at ten 1 rally held at that place Tuesday m Geo. Simon, representint' h t.:--tr;.. & Co. Salt Lake clothiers win i-i -r city 8 couple of days during t;i' . . Walt Strfngham was tali i ill yesterday morning and w leave his place of businef t M. Grosman, represent n i.t the leading confectioner. temple city Wednesday sin Mr. Eoaton,ot Salt Lake. : the Kew York Mutual I. association, was in town. An... Tuesday last. Peter Greaves Jr., conn s gentof district schools was m b s elty Monday and made a lour oi in-i;m-tion of all the schools. Mos snd S. D. Johnson, X. G. Iara and A. R. Either of the Johnson Branat-lo Branat-lo crossed palms with ye scribe on Wednesday Wed-nesday last, C. P. Hutchenson, general nianagei ot the Hall & Brown machinery and sin ply company, of Ogden, was In this citj Saturday and Monday last. ! in, i.. l ii!uii oak office chair. Mr j .- !; ..hi ia (flighted and full of praise ' ! r..r i !!:fin(rhtrulneas of his friends. 1 i A i nl i-wn;! and-a yard smile rests I i :. r i f Vred Keller these days. ; :, i i. ,' !' I.t. ou Sunday morning last 1 1 i with a fine boy. i 1 -: . , .,!; i-;. ,1;' nre doing well and i ' ir.j . y i learning to sing "Rock 1 - ' Mr. I fnl-i-. a new American play ' i-Tt.'.-r una inn ." proved such a decided . . ,. '..nr. and met with such - -. ri;i, rural from the press and ' t. !( has wisely decided to ' - ir u. is evening. It merits a t I ale Tribune. ! t ti Irvine charged with : kilting ilontgomery. begins at Lincoln '-: -b on of loth, instead of tne 3rd., the . i--d fi.t abided upon. It the mean-1 mean-1 ! C in of Salt Lake will I ti.o..ic!,i.tiii,!ns o; a number of Irvine's i U L ke wlih reference to j reputotion while a resident of this J territory. ' I A large line of jewelry just received " i fit the Chiearj store. Mens watches gold filled caee Elgin movement for $18; silid fiiver case with Hampion r movement for $15.75 and various other ' hir.d3 and prices. Ladies watches with ? sulil goM caes or filled cases and movement move-ment to suit prices from $2 to $33, 1 Solid gold and filled rings for ladies, t . - - Sheriff Burns, who has been very ill for the past ten days, was Been aronnd his old haunts yesterday, looking qnit e pale, but feeling first rate. J. M. Jensen, of Provo and Miss Eliza Strong, ot Alpine were visitors at this office Wednesday. They came to this city as two and leave as one. Best wishes. . There are a gang of small boys, not so small either, who stay ont every night after curfew and raise Sed in epite of .marshal's repeated -threats to arrest em. |