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Show . Wants to ll Pesriuts- ; Senio euterpri-e'i r ludiviSyal hss of-i- ltd the World's ht authouti.s $120, CC-0 for the eselustvo iirivi.-eio of sciilng pesiititJ on the ground . it iu said that tula la the hifcht.ii. cvU offc-r m:Jie fur any privelege, and 'he committee thought the bid so tush that thoy refused re-fused to ontortaiu it until they could satiafy themselves that it was n bona Hde thing. At 5 cents a bag for bis goobers, this speculator would have to soil 2,400,000 bags before he could get his bonus money back. E ven at 50 per cent profit, which Includes his expenses for hiring permut purveyors end the neeessary outlay for roasting appliauces ho would need to dispope of 5,000,000 bags to start even, Biid at least double that amount In order to get a fair return for the risk taken, Aesnnilng that 30,-000,600 30,-000,600 persons visit the grounds, he ninst expect one-third of them to patronise pat-ronise his industry. Utah Trodesmai. |