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Show THE CITY If iffl. Regular Business Meeiii Tuesday. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT. pretntJ and allowed. Tlio claim cf H. R. Sloan amounting to Sto.03 was allowed. T!ie ciai-n of Oitoseu, Kjar "and Lav-son Lav-son few digging, amounting to 5i8'-25 was aliened less Sj.75. The claim of William Breathwaite and L. C. Kjar for digging, amounting to $15.00 was allowed less $2.60. Council adjourned. Council nice as board ot equalization. Mayor Shoemaker in the chair . Minutes of previous meeting were read corrected and approved. There being no further busines board adjourned sine die. Benediction by Marshal Snow. Dun & Go's Trad Ravlaw. H, G. Dun &' Co'a weekly review of trade says: Cholera bas landed and the business of New York goes on exactly as if it had not. The soiling of stocks has been quite heavy and the decline In prices has averaged $2 per share for all the active list. Money Is In ample supply and the demand from the Interior is less than usual at this season, but large amounts are held out of the loan market mark-et by people who are looking for excep-tiouHl excep-tiouHl opportunities to bay cheaply. There has been much talk abont pestilence pesti-lence as an eicuse for low prices of breadstuff;) and cotton. Bat the fact is that the enoimiious stocks brought over from last jee.r afford a sufficient reason for exceedingly low prices. Receipts ot wheat at the principal western points in four days of this week have been 5,316,-S33 5,316,-S33 bushclii, while the Atlantie exports have been only 1,065,435 bushels, and It is not strange that the price has declined de-clined ?4 cent. At ",'H this wheat Is lower tean it ever has been in New York except two days in 1884. Columbus Day Recorder's and Treasurer's Reports Claims Other Business. City council met in regular session Tuesday evening. Mayor Shoemaker presiding, Prayer by Councilor Wintch. Minutes of regular meeting held Sept, 6th were read and approved. Minutes of special meeting held Sept. 13th were read correct and approved. H. R. Sloan, superintendent of waterworks, water-works, reported that he had done as instructed in-structed in regard to leaks and had stopped all of the except one .and would go to work on that the next day; also, that he had instructed all water-takers water-takers to use the water for culinaiy purposes pur-poses only and forbid them using it for sprinkling, watering stock etc. In answer to a question the superintendent superinten-dent stated that he was filling the tank at night with water from city creek, as usual had to do it. On motion the report of the superin- Corn 1m declined 1 cents In sympathy, sym-pathy, hut it hi also the fact that western west-ern advices regarding the growing crop, are 11110 0 favorably. Oats have fallen per cent, and lard is a shade weaker. In eoftr.n i!iTre has been heavy selling, and September options are beloiv 7 cents, though the price for spot- cotton la nn. changed. Oil has declined yt cent, but coffee is ;'3 cent stronger. At Boston trade in dry goods is unusually un-usually lare for September, Woolen ruilly are wuil supplied wilh orders, and the distribution is remarkably full, Bo'-fand sh-ie shops are crowded with ordejea. A HTtfor trada .ia. atlataCu tory. At Philadelphia trade in dry goo-is i 1 thi most eati3factory for many years. Wool' is in fair demand, tobacco improved, and trado in channels Is active, especially in disinfectants. At Pittsburg the iron trade Improves with increased demand, though Bessemer Besse-mer pig is weaker. Window glass works are resuming trade. At Cleveland Cleve-land trade is good in most lines, with iron in belter demand and money astlve. Reinil trade in Cincinnati is quiet. At Detroit. orders for freight cars exceed capacity tor works for months to come. At Chicago hu.,iuei,3 Increases and nothing noth-ing adver.-re appears. Trade at Milwaukee Milwau-kee is bri.-;k, and at Omaha excellent. A gen.rous fall trade is expected at St. Louis and Kaiihaa City; business lasatia-factoiy. lasatia-factoiy. All western collections are reported re-ported veiy good. Trade at Louisville is impiwing, at Nashville fair and at Little Hock wu It-factory, while at Montgomery Mont-gomery cftoiion prevails and at Galveston Galves-ton th iate cotton crop caused slow collection. At New Orleans business is Only fiiir and money is in stroug demand de-mand hrst cotton lower, while sugar and rice are active aud strong. The demand for structural iron is very encouraging aud plate mills are well supplied, but the quotations are variable and bar iron is unsettled. Copper Is lower at cents and tin at 20.30 in spite of larje distributions, but lead a more steady at 4 aud 5 cents. There Is a heavy demand for cotton and medium bleached goods are higher with brows firm. Carpets are stronger. Money has been steady at 4 per cent while foreign exchange baa fallen so far that exports of gold are unprofitable The treasury has added $1,500,000 gold and ;00,000 silver to its stock, while putting out $400,000 additional paper. Here, as ia all parts of the country, the supply of money is ample for legitimate i;ee,U and the shrinkage ot speculation is helpful as regards the possibility of monetary pressures later. Thd business failures occurring throughout the country during the last seven days number 1S2 as compared with the totals ot 179 last week. For tlio corresponding week of last year the figures were 230. tendent was accepted. The recorder submited hi report and also that of the treasurer and as there was some slight difference in them they were both refered to the auditing committee com-mittee for investigation arid 'correction. To report at next regular meeting. .The mayor stated that there were two reports due fnm the city attorney and as that gentleman was not present he would send the marshal alter him Councilor Reid in behaif the committee commit-tee appointed to investigate-the alleged waste of water by the temple stone sawing saw-ing works, reported that he had visited the woTfcs batrriey were nnt lunTi'mg and he could learn nothing. He asked for futher time in order that he inisht mak a complete report, and on motion was allowed till next regular meeting. The attorney having arrived bis reports re-ports were called for. In regard to the Maylett petition for damages he stated that if the city had, in cleaning the creek, damaged Mr. Maylett's property they were responsible responsi-ble and it was only a question of how much, and recommended that a committee commit-tee be appointed to investigate tli matter mat-ter and learn if any damage had been done. OnmotionLuke and Anderson were appointed as such committee. In relatioa to saw dust befouling the water of city creek the attorney stated thet ihe city could prohibit but would have to take it under territorial law. On motion the mar.sh.il was instro! ted to notify parties having saw mills in city creek canvon to keep the saw dust out of tee creek, two weeks time being given in which to make preparations. If they did comply with the request they would he prosecuted. The marshal reported that he had not taken any action in the matter of Ca-hoon Ca-hoon petition as he thought a man had a right to do as he pleased with his horse or buggy and that a man cbukl loan it to whom he wished. The attorney gave it as his opinion that if the parties did not keep the rigs for hire and only let them out occasion-alay occasion-alay they would not have to pay a license li-cense as they were not running a business. busi-ness. After discussing the question for some minutes the council arrived at the conclusion that if Mr. Cahoon knew of ray person violating the law it was his ,,duty to enter a complaint to the proper authorities against said person. . The petition of Parry and Sons asking permission to erect two stone pillars in the street for advertising purposes was on motion not granted. The matter of clearing oity creek so as to make it servicable for winter come up for consideratian. Luke moved that the watermaster! bt instructed to clear the creek lor v.-in- j tar under the direction ot the committee ; rWSW'fttiTflurf meAm on we-'----esday last, ! i C. P. Hutchenson, general manager move: It the Hall & Brown machinery and snp kiu(li ily company, of Ogden, was in this city gul:;1 Saturday and Monday last. ment 1 Sheriff Burns, who has been very ill Solid jr the past ten days, was seen aronnd is old haunts yesterday, looking quit e tie, but feeling first rate. J. U. Jensen, of Provo and Miss EHzi to irong, of Alpine were visitors at this mij;, Ice Wednesday. They came to this city itwo and leave as one. Best wishes. . here are a gang of small boys, not so It uJl either, who stay ont every night Shii The claim of H. R. Sloan for services, material, etc. amounting to 137-75 was |