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Show (No. liia.) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Salt Lake City Utah. . , . August9lh 1693. Notice Is hereby giren that the followltw namedsettler ha. riled notice of his intention lo make anal commutation proof In support ot his claim, and that said proof will be made be tore the Probate Jndge ot Emery ceunty, Utah at Caatle Dale, on October 3rd. 1492, yii Sylyester H. Cox, H. S. No. 7197 for the s of s EH. S W 4 of 8 E and S V utah w Sec-3' Twp'. " Sl si " r. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cali iv. tlon of. said land, viz; eutl.lva Frank Carroll, N.T . Guymon, William Tattoo Tat-too and. I. H. Taylor.all of Orangeville. I mery county, ttah. T. 0. fcalley, Frank D. Hoi bs Ay. Titos. He.uter. |