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Show OHAPERONINQ AS A BUSINESS. Bright Women Who Believe AaiIobs Mammae for tbe Summer. The very latest development In woman's wom-an's work is the chaperoning of young girls on summer tours, either of travel or stationary residence at large hotels or boarding places. The quick wit of some American women saw what could be done In so wide a field and started In to reap the reward, with, of course, many Imitators when her success was found to be a solid fact. A mother cannot always leave her family to escort one member of it to Lake George, Bar Harbor or Newport. Relatives may have other plana, friends are perhaps not exactly such guardians aa she would be willing to trust her child with, and she longs for a reliable, trustworthy party to undertake the charge. Just here the paid chaperon steps in and is welcomed gladly. She la usually a lady in reduced circumstances, conversant con-versant with the ways of society and the Intricacies of travel, and provided with indisputablel'eferencea as to character, char-acter, capability, etc. A party of young Philadelphia girls sailed for .Europe, list week In charge of one of these paid duennas and couri ers rolled into one.' She was a bright, pleasing woman of thirty-five,' shrewd and businesslike, yet not offensively watchful. Her expenses are paid and five hundred 'dollars beside for tbe season. |