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Show going away and would be absent from the city for some time. What ii to be done with the balance left on hand In the several districts? was the Que.-tion next In order. Councilor Coun-cilor Anderson moved that the amount be refunded and distributed pro rato to those wishing water In the several districts. dis-tricts. The motion was lost, Councilor Raid moved that the amount bo refunded refund-ed less S10 from oach district. The f 10 to be used in paying for superintending superin-tending the works. Carried. Councilor Reid wanted to know what the street supervisor was doing and the mayor answered him saying "nothing.'' Councilor Luke said he would make a motion In regard to the matter as soon as it came up. Councilor Luke then arose and said somothing must be done witu the creek and It was now time that act ion was taken . The old creek should be fixed up eo as to be capable of cary-ing cary-ing the water all winter or a new channel chan-nel should be built. Reid said that it would cost $2,300 to build another channel. chan-nel. Councilor Anderson said the old creek would have to be used as a canal for carrying water for Irrigation purposes pur-poses next summer and should be fixed now so it would carry the water all winter, for if it was not done now it would have to be done in the spring. On motion of Councilor Held action was defered until the next regular meeting. Councilor Luke moted that the street supervisor be instructed to clear the streets of the rocks and other debris. Carried. - rC'LAIUd ALLOWKD. H.R.Sloan $ 11.83 Harmon Parson?; 207.00 W, A. Cox. supervisor, for Ang... 44.00 Deseret News Co., printing.... 1.25 Justice Judd .. 5.00 " " 6.25 The claim of H, R. Sloan for work on waterworks amounting to $39.42 was aieepted lesB $4.65. Councilor Reid moved to adjourn. Carried. On motion the council resolved itself into a board of equalization. The matter of the railroad assessment rfaine np. After considerable discussion discus-sion Councilor Reid moved to reduce the assessment valuation on rolling stock $185.75, and on road bed $662.50. Carried. Car-ried. On motion of Councilor Wintch the taxes of the Mrs. Ole Madson estate were remitted. Eoard adjurnedntil Sept. 19th. Benediction by Councilor Reid. THE CITY COUNCIL Meet in Regular Session Tuesday PETITIONS, CLAIMS, ETC. To Inciease the Water Supply The City Creek Question Other Business. Council met in regular session Tuesday Tues-day evening, Mayor Shoemaker presiding. presid-ing. Prayer by Councilor Luke, Roll call, members present, Mayor Shoemaker, Councilors Luke, Wintch. Anderson, Reid, Cox and Munk. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. PETITIONS. The petition of W. F. Maylett stating that the teams engaged in clearing the creek had dumped gravel on his property proper-ty and damaged it to the amonnt of $25, and asked the council to allow him that Z amonnt. Councilor Luke moved to re fer It to the city attorney. -Carried. The petition of Mrs. F. R. Kenner for the remittance of the city and wator taxes of the late Dr. F. R. Kenner. amounting to $9.20, was read. Councilor Coun-cilor Wintch moved that $5 and one half of the balance, $7.10, in all be appropriated ap-propriated to pay said taxes. Carried. James C. Cahoon presented a petition asking for relief in the livery stable business. He stated in his petition that Jas.E. Metcalf, N.H. Felt and others were in the habit of lending their rigs . 'to parties and receiving pay therefor without paying a license for the privilege, privil-ege, and prayed that they be compelled to pay a license. Referred to the marshal mar-shal for Investigation with power to act. Becorder Anderson presented a petition peti-tion from Mrs. Sohougaard. She asked ' for an ice cream license for one month and If she could not get that she would take out a three months ice cream license and have one month for ice cream parlor and the remaining two months apply on a restaurant license if the council would grant her that favor-On favor-On motion the petition was denied. Councilor Luke stated that Mr. Parry wanted to know if the council wonld allow him to erect a stone pillar on a line with theitchlng posts, said pillar to be about six Inches square. On moot mo-ot Councilor Reid the matter was laid on (he table. BEPOBT3 OF CITT 0FFICEB3. The recorder reported that $3,84196 had been sent to David James being balance bal-ance dne on water works system. Report Re-port accepted. The treasurer asked for more time in which to make his report and on mot i an of Councilor Cox he was allowed until the next regulor meeting. There being no reports of standing committees the next In order was the ' reports of SELECT COMMITTEES. The committee on waterworks report ed that after paying for piping digging, etc, there was a balance on band for the several districts as follows: District No. 1 $154 95 2....." 178 52 " 4 153 30 - ' " 5 155 01 " 6 154 06 "10 .... 164 06 " " 12 79 87 . 23 150 85 '24 193 15 And recommended that the amounts be refunded to the several districts. The motion of Councilor Reid to accept ac-cept the report raised considerable dis-eass dis-eass ion but It was Anally carried. UNFINISHED BCSIKESS. Councilor Anderson reported that he bad seen the administrators of the estate of Ole Madson and learned that the property belonged to the two youngest children and recommended that the taxes be remitted. Councilor Wintch moved that the report be accepted and recommendation adopted. Councilor Reid stated that this was a matcer that this waB a matter that should come np when the ceuncil was sitting as a board of equalization, and the matter of remittance re-mittance was held over until that time. The matter of increasing the &ter apply was then taken np. Councilor Reid was in favor of increasing increas-ing the supply and making it as large at possible. The mayor suggested tuat committee be appointed to examine the flprings (recently discovered in Bireh creek) and estimate the probable cost of piping the water -to the tank. Councilor Coun-cilor Lnke moved that the committee on waterworks be instructed to investigate investi-gate the spring and estimate the cost of bringing the water into the tank, and to report at the next regular meeting. meet-ing. Councilor Anderson was appointed to act for the mayor as his honor was |