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Show DAN CUPID WAS ON THE JOS Nebraska Legion Man Won Bride From Home When They Met In France. They met In France. He was a soldier, sol-dier, she a canteen wo-'"" The ro mance culminated as only a romance could culminate In the mauiage recently of Frank B. O'Conneli. department de-partment a d J u-tant u-tant of the American Amer-ican Legion of Nebraska, Ne-braska, and Miss Rachel N. Blodg-ett Blodg-ett of Orleans, Nebraska. Ne-braska. The wed-rtini? wed-rtini? was at Or- leans and the "ves ue uviji-ciled uviji-ciled at Lincoln. O'Conneli, during the summer of WIS. served at Le Mons, where he edited a soldier newspaper. Miss Blodgett wits stationed there as a canteen can-teen worker with the Y. M. C. A. They hud known each other as children, chil-dren, but not seriously. They met at ?able. Cupid did the rest. On his return front- France, O'Cnn-,iell O'Cnn-,iell became active in Legion work. He was the first commander of the Lincoln post tin l has been 'adju! an' of the department since its organization. organiza-tion. He is widely tiiinvn atno'ig the Cornhuske." Legionnaires. |