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Show ; Marriage Of Milford i Couple Announced Mr. and Mrs. Fred Levi are announcing an-nouncing the marriage of their oldest daughter Miss Louise, to Mr. T. W. Campbell, son of Mrs. Sara Campbell of this city. They were married at Beaver, August 20th and left the same evening for Salt Lake City where they will make their home .The bride is a lovely and talented young lady and very popular in social and church affairs. She is a graduate of the Mlford High school and attended the B. Y. U. at Provo, for two years, where she received her diploma for 1st Grade and Kindergarten work and has taught here in the public schools. She conducted a large kindergarten class during the summer months for several years. She was a splendid teacher and will be greatly missed by the children and parents. The groom is a fine young man who is an employee of the Union Pacific railroad. Tuesday evening of last week the B. P. W. club entertained at the Atkin At-kin Cafe with a banquet in honor of the bride. Wednesday evening. Mrs. Scott Stagger entertained with a part yfor her and Saturday afternoon the bride gave a trouseau tea at her home from 2 o'clock until G o'clock. About a hundred guets called to extend ex-tend their congratulations and admire ad-mire the beautiful fouseau. Mrs. Levi was assisted in receiving by Mrs. Antone Johnson, Mrs. Winnie Johnson John-son and Miss Vie Smith of Beaver. Mrs. Wm. Fernley and Mrs. Ross Smith presided at the tea table. The News joins their many friends in wishing them the best of success on their voyage of matrimony. C. A. Raynor of Provo was here Sunday. |