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Show L. G. CLAY MARRIED Sunday the Salt Lake Tribune con-; con-; tained a picture of Miss Lulu Mae ! Carling of Fillmore, The following account of her marriage to L. G. Clay of Milford was given: Wednesday Wed-nesday at 10 a. m. Lulu Mae. daughter daugh-ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Carling, was married to L. G. Clay of Milford. Utah. Only near relatives and friends fri-ends were present. Immediately after af-ter lunch the couple left for Milford. where they will make their home. August 2 The girl friends of Mrs. Clay surprised her with a shower. Fillmore will lose a vry popular school teacher. Mr. Clay is associated with Mr. Al McKeon in a garage on south main. E. C. McGarry of Salt Lake and Beaver, was in our city this week. Express Agent Hilliary has been sick this week. Fireman Himstreet and Herman left on No. 4 Tuesday evening for Salt Lake. The prices of hides are off more than 30 per cent, but we are being advised ad-vised to buy now, because the prices of shoes are to be doubled. W. F. Cottrell and son Fred went to Ogden Friday night. They were accompanied holme Tuesday morning morn-ing by Mrs. Cottrell and Miss Delia, who had been visiting in Ogden and also In dlfffferent parts of Idaho. Mrs. Steve Stoker and daughter, Lillian, returned Sunday night from a visit of several weeks in Spanish Fork, Springville and Mammoth. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Stoker's niece, Mrs. Rollo Perry, Per-ry, of Mammoth, who will visit here for a while. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Barton returned return-ed Saturday night from a two weeks' trip in their car. They visited vis-ited in Butte, Montana, Yellowstone Park, Shelley and Pocatella, Idaho They traveled something over 2000 miles and arrived in Milford wit' having had any auto trouble whatever. what-ever. Clarence Cline of the firm of Cline & Boyer, real estate agents, of this city, came in on the morning train Wednesday, to spend a few day's looking after some business here. Mr. Cline has been in Southern California Cal-ifornia and Salt Lake looking after business affairs there. The office received a letter this week from Fred Heck, who is now at his old home in Cofteyville, Kansas.. Kan-sas.. Mr. Heck in renewing his subscription sub-scription to the Milford paper, says he wishes some of Utah's cool nights could be sent with the paper, back to Kansas. Mr. Heck was the Continental Con-tinental Oil man in Milford, before entering army service. A party composing C. L. Algulst and C. I. Himstreet, wife and daughters daugh-ters Edna and Beth, and Miss Sarah Sar-ah Imobersteg, all of Calfente. Nevada, Nev-ada, were in Milford Sunday and Monday on their way home after a month's tour of Utah and Wyoming. Wyom-ing. They report a good trip and good roads, especially In Beaver and Millard counties. Thos. Himstreet of Milford was with the party In Wyoming. J. T. Smongeski of the Central station sta-tion Salt Lake City. Is In charge of local recruiting station In the absence ab-sence of Mr. Mayo, who was called in to Salt Lake City to attend a conference con-ference of officers In regards to war risk insurance, liberty bonds, soldiers' sol-diers' homesteads, allotments, bonus, bon-us, additional mileage and victory buttons. Major Tribett of Washing ton. D. C, who is touring the States and visiting every central army recruiting re-cruiting station to explain all mat-i mat-i tfrs pertaining to war risk insur-! insur-! a nee polu-J"S etc.. was In charge ' On the return of Mr. Mayo, all soldiers sol-diers sailors and marines can obtain ob-tain any Information on the aforesaid afore-said subject. ', Russell E. Parsons was In Milford Wednesday transacting business. |