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Show t , n.A , -.r.:.-Vlj MAY3E A GOLDMINE f ' A WRIC3 LEY'S I " '-af j DRyANO SoKEyf: 2 j! , i'' kB. L rff -vJ Lj & Sometimes they wash a paintiiv. 1 S"I i alul flnd aQ oId master-" iI A j V IfC'r ) f "ilany discoveries have been made i'i" fjrli ' V ! P. In tliat way' 1 know- Anyhow, It T. jy '?-jC f wouldn't hurt to wash ours, my IVco K)Yyi- Jear-" li'Ki PERFECT GUM' k. ; f tfizz!!" SELF-HEATING TheC)Ieraanisafren- 5 N nine Instant Lighting Iron. All yoa lmvo to rlo is turn a vnlvo, strike a mntch and it lights inntnntly. You don't have to insert the match lnsido the Iron no burned fin sera. The to! em nn henta in a jifTy; ia quickly rc-ndy foru3fr. Entire ironing Burfare is heated with point .he hottest. Maintains it3 heat even for the fast worker. Entirely Belf-hentinp;. Operates forMf an hour. You do your ironing with lepa effort, in one-third less timo. Be sure your next iron ia the genuine Instant-Lighting Coleman. It'a ihe iron every woman wants. It'a a wonderful wonder-ful time and labor saver nothing like It. The Col-eman is the easy way to iron. SEND POSTCARD for FREE Folder and Pull Dctatl. THE COLEMAN LAMP AND STOVE CO. Dept. WU316 Wichita. Kana.; Chicago, ID. ; RUlndolpMa, ra, Aasele, Calif. (0015 W) CLABBEB GIRL 17 II2S AGAIH! Sweeps State Fair with 48 Awards Bettering a previous year's record, cakes, etc., baked with CLABBER GIRL Baking Powder, won 48 awards at a single stats fair in 1935. Five cakes, all win- vTb ners of First Pre- 'IAsBfb miums, were lied in uA 7 competition for the .- 'ff Championship Award Aiyfe' ...and all baked with Mlb&aJL y"'.l ' CLABBER QKlWtjVl t-V everywhere :J5!DE T"N f 0?ERIAF!&3 oa PAGIFIO I k UNITED ANFRAMCISC FROM OGDEN OR SALT LAKE CITY ride in an air-conditioned coach on our fastest trains across Great Salt Lake and over the High Sierra. Coffee 5f, milk 5(?, sandwiches 10(; also low cost dining car meals. For further details see or write D. R. OWEN, General Ageit, 41 So. Main St., Salt Lako CitT |