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Show Copyrijhi, 1936, Schenley Distributor, Inc., New York HlllllilHIIUIHIIIitlllllHIIIIIIIIHtlllllllllllll IIIMIIlllllUllllUMIIlllllHllllll- L. G. CLAY ! i NOTARY PUBLICf Milford, Utah j UIHIIIIUIIIIflllllllllllllllllllllllllltllltlllllillltlllllllllllKlllllllllllllllllllllm A TRUE Fable Once upon a time 1935, to be exact a student of chemistry chem-istry completed his college course and set out to seek his fortune. for-tune. But opportunities were scarce. After spending considerable consid-erable time vainly prying about the town, he decided to take a short, intensive course in stenography at the L. D. S. BUSINESS BUSI-NESS COLLEGE. Equipped with this new trainng, he again took up the quest. A smelting company said "Sorry, we haven't anything now, but here's an application blank." However, the young chemist had learned that there is a difference dif-ference in applications. He prepared a letter that won immediate im-mediate attention and a tryout. He was offered a stenographic steno-graphic job, and when the next vacancy occurred in the assaying assay-ing department, he was transferred. Now he's a full-fledged chemist! Investigate our courses .methods, equipment, employment service, etc. Send a card TODAY. L D. S. Business College j 70 North Main Salt Lake City Wasatch 1812 Far abovs office low priced cars in all hut cost! crji 7s3 Tq IIP .5S ID W f IMF T92 Yes, different from other low priced of mountain roads, with three pas-cars pas-cars and far ahead of the rest in sengers and baggage, in the recent style and everything else that counts! Los Angeles-Yosemite Economy Run. Can we prove this? Just look at a few More...Terraplane is the only lead-facts lead-facts about Terraplane. ing low priced car with body all of steel Wheelbase, over-all length, inside and seamless steel roof. And no other - leg room, head room, shoulder room car jn jts whole price range has Duo- unmatched by any low priced car. Automatic Hydraulic Brakes (patent Untouched by some costing $125 and applied for) . . . Radial Safety Control $145 more. (patent applied for) .. . Tru-Line "Extras" At No Extra Cost Steering ... or The Electric Hand, r ,, , .1 it- optional at small extra cost. Of all low priced cars only Terra- r plane gives you at no extra cost a rear The most amazing car in the low opening baggage compartment with price field this 1936 Terraplane. And more room than the average trunk right down with the lowest in cost for model, with spare tire lying flat inside. the model and features you want. Power-the same story. Terraplane Come in and see for yourself, is ahead of other cars in its price class - ----- - " by as much as 18 horsepower. And 88 or 100 H. P. -115-inch wheelbase no vibration at any speed ITerrapIanes fTtZUS X"""" f -3 with 125,000, 150,000 miles and more I O 1 LfTN to their credit show you what that Y ' 3 V "i J smoothness means in long life. v' JL 23.95 MileS per Gallon "d "P fr De Luxe Models, f. o. . Detroit. , . . . Standard group of accessories extra. Interested in economy? Here is Ter- i i . . nc tc tr SAVE wi,h ,hs "e HUDSON - C. I. T. 6 raplane s latest-23-95 officially cert,- Tim0 Paym9n, Plan . . . ,ow monthy paym,n fud miles per gallon over 352 miles "Of course it rides like a big car! It IS a big carl" NXN nx. ..- X Xs O x vx s r i ii x s - : - s v" f "'-x- x.xv. ' x.flx?.'X.-sf W. R. MARTIN GARAGE MILFORD, UTAH , BOUT BY HUDSON TERRAPLANE. $595 AND UP; HUDSON SIX, $710 AND UP; HUDSON SUPK STRAIGHT EIGHT. 60 AND UP. F. O. B. DETROIT Your Sick Shoes Made Well Expert Shoe Repairing Of All Kinds All With the Latest and Best Machinery and Fine Workmanship PeteWeidner Expert Shoe Repairing Now Located Next Door North To Victory Theatre 1 1 i "It's the Banks That Count" SNOW BANKS IN THE MOUNTAINS are counted on to insure a water supply during; the long, hot summer months. These accumulated accumu-lated deposits can be counted on to continue to send cool, refreshing water for our hmes and fields long after the general snow cover of the mountains has disappeared. MONEY DEPOSITS IN A SAFE, STRONG BANK can be depended on to see you through a difficult period when your regular income ceases or is insufficient for your needs. Start - accumulating a cash reserve today with a sav ings account in this bank. Ask us about the different deposit plans. Milford State Bank DEPOSTORY FOR U. S. POSTAL SAVINGS S: -OUGHT Ifj y. ' !I0 'A Schenley Whiskey 0J Character" syy with the Iark fMerit "EVERYWHERE enthusiastic Americans are demanding that'double-ricli deliciousness found only in the famous drinks of Dixie. They get it in Schenley's CREAM of KENTUCKY straight Bourbon whiskev! PINT No. 6i QUART No. 6o I MC-n tf rntij- R. U. S. fiL OH. FIN I Of) P POO F Th Geo. T. StaKfr Co., Inc.. Frankfort, Ky. C-p.-ig' , 16. .-i hauler Diilrlbutoo. Inc.. N.Y. lULL YKJ " KUUt Dlviaion uf Schenley i'ruducU Co.. Inc. |