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Show Adorable Pantie Frock That Is Easy to Make PATTERN 2536 . lipiiSSl IliiililSi . A Here's an adorable frock for a two-to-ten-year-old, and one very easy for mother to make, too. It wears a young round-collared neckline, puffed sleeves for Irresistible little girl charm, and roomy pleats for agile youngsters who want "free action." Printed percale would be ever so appealing ap-pealing and practical. Pattern 2556 is available In sizes 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10. Size 6 takes 2 yards 36 inch fabric. Illustrated step-by-step sewing instructions included. in-cluded. Send fifteen cents (15c) In coins or stamps (coins preferred) for this pattern. Write plainly name, Streator-Smith CHEVROLET DEALER offers about 60 CHEVROLETS 40 FORDS AND ABOUT 20 OTHER CARS All Popular Makes 36 models to '28 models reconditioned and are backed by our Written Guarantee G. M. A. C Terms Used Trucks Good Trucks Big Trucks Small Trucks Stakes Pickups and Hyd. Dump Bodies Prices and terms to suit you. When in Salt Lake City visit our BIG USED CAR DEPT. 505 SO.' MAIN If You Have "Acid Indigestion" ALKALIZE YOUR STOMACH THIS WAY C.-..SCO Alkalizes &. Disturbed Stomach y iip" Almost Instantly YOU can relieve even the most annoying symptoms of acid stomach in almost as little time now as it takes to tell. The answer is simple. You alkalize your stomach almost instantly this way: Take 2 teaspoonfuls of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia 30 minutes after meals. OR-take 2 Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets, the exact equivalent. That's all you do! Relief comes in a few minutes. Your stomach is alkalized soothed. Nausea, and upset distress quickly disappear dis-appear . . . It's amazing. Results come so fast because Phillips' Milk of Magnesia is a potent natural alkalizer. Everywhere Every-where people urged to keep THE REVELATION It Isn't the bitter words that hurl It is the revelation of the heart bitter toward you that generates them. - "5? ::'mv- t frfr r nv- i.JJ- -' " ! "js WHITE LEOnORX CHICKS from own stock only. Price reasonable. Al'so breeding cockerels. Write for cietails. ,T. II. tilel-slncer. tilel-slncer. Kt. 1. Morcan Hill. California. tlwir stomach alkalized are finding this out. Try it Get a bottle of the liquid Phillips' for home use. Only 25 for a big box of Phillips' Phil-lips' Tablets to carry with you. Watch out that any bottle or box you accept is clearly marked "Phillips' Milk of Magnesia." SIGNS WHICH OFTEN INDICATE "ACID STOMACH" PAIN AFTER EATING SLEEPLESSNESS FEELING OF WEAKNESS INDIGESTION NAUSEA MOUTH ACIDITY LOSS OF APPETITE SOUR STOMACH FREQUENT HEADACHES i ' r '''L " r--;1- . i j. iti i I , .j, i ,, i M- W I'LL GIVE YOU f WELL -ITS A GOOD & U ONE LAST CrlMCS,pl THING YOU'RE LETTINS M JACK, IF YOU LOSE M ME PLAY T6NI6HT.' MY YOUR TEMPER JJ FATHER CAME ALL $ AGAIN, VOU'RE k THE WAY FROM Jtf it THROUGH ' essfi 'WASHINGTON TO f&M ,v4 THE6AWEJig:j ft v 7, . j--- p COACH DOESN'T 1 S t fcsSr y? KNOW ENOUGH To I e-TFpfwS& CH A kinder- ? ?1 STWVT IK GARTEN CLASS "TO i, v"' ?S'iv(lo' kstevwLi.-. 8 1.-J V ill I ( IM JACK'S CERTAINLY 7V FATHER, COACH 7 DOCTOR WALTON. ITS . ...CAN YOU ' I TOO BAD ABOUT JACK SPARE A HE'S A STAR PLAYER, fe MINUTE ? BUT H WON'T OBEV M Si 11 MYNO COFFEE? f M . VK TRAINING RULE JmiM r-imMmWmXMmW now they're GOING To PULL if :MXmhii something on m v' - V L lO DMS LATER K'-p---;i--zi ' HCj think x'll wire . 5f WAIT WHILE I VprU HIM, TOO AND rj 3. wire pad....i UJj tell him what a C: ? want him to fine disposition W I KNOW I'VE BEEN VOU'UE ACQUIRED I) ELECTED BASKETBALL ( SINCE YOU SWITCHED ; VCAPTAIN , fLt'l' r -THAT'S ENOUGH OF XTFI I THIS i YOUR ROUGH STUFF Vfr,, ,mr cpcpdfp i WALTON I SAW WOU jf f L" IS 3 ELBOW THAT MAN IN WR S:75C . ' H ZJ Z PUT ON A BASKETBALL J mi mmM" mm a doctoR fine you I RECOGNIZED STICK To THAT j JACK'S TROUBLE , I JACK, AND YOU'LL h AS COFFEE-NERVES.' R GET BACK ON fj BUT HE'S PROMISED fA THE TEAM .' f TO QUIT COFFEE fV, AND DRINK POSTUM V,'.; r)(iSB ' 1 lLmSrem''f ( SWITCHING J I 1 OF COURSE, you know that children should never drink cofTce.Butdoyou realize that the coffcin in coITce disagrees with many grown-ups, too? If you are bothered by headaches or indigestion, or find it difficult to sleep soundly . . . c.'jffcin may be to blame. Isn't it worth while to try Postum for 30 days? Postum contains no caffdn. It is simply whole wheat and bran, roasted and slightly sweetened. It is easy to make, and costs less than one-half cent a cup. It's a delicious drink, too . . . end may prove a real help. A product of General Foods. FREE let us send you your first week's supply of Postum free! Simply mail the coupon. n", n. r, rnni. GF.Kr.RAL Foods, Hnltlc Creek, Mich. w. h. u. i-7-sb Send me, wit hout oMiaii'in, a weck'i upjjy of Pont urn. Name Street City Stntc Fill in co mp!(t"y , pr int rn mf n ml ifrrrss. If yr,i live in Can;'!n, n'-,.rr.: Ornrrfil Vh'h'.h, Ltd., j Coi.ourp. Or.t. (OffT rrri:fi Dec. 31, lfJ36.) |