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Show ; .rfv 1 "Give Us A I " Ring"- j . V1' We.u be at Hotel s 5 Newhouse, of course! t H 1 The low rates at this, ? s our favorite hotel enable Nv N J us to visit Salt Lake VO-s often. The Nevhouse Hotel Famous For Hospitality and Good Food Sunday Morning Breakfast Served in Your Room Without Extra Cost. R4TES MR& J- H- WATERS, c- . 1. m President Single $2 to $4 Double S2.SO to S4.50 W. E. SUTTON, all with Bath Gent Manager The NEWEST PARTIES THE newest parties and those that are best fun are the impromptu parties. This doesn't mean, however, that your guests must always flock in with a "Surprise! "Sur-prise! Surprise!" and find you in ecstasies over it all. It means, merely, that you are so well prepared for entertaining that you are comfortably equipped equip-ped to give spur-of-the-moment parties and know that cook's in the kitchen, all's well with the cupboard. Once upon a time this would have been interpreted to mean that your linen closet was piled high with correct napery, your silver chest was replete, and that the pantry was stocked like a corner delicatessen. Times Have Changed Not today. All you need is some bright peasant linens. some wooden bowls for salads, or sandwich sand-wich trays for sandwiches, and some steins for beer or cider depending on whether your spur-of-the-moment parties are younger-set younger-set or adult. As for the pantry keep on hand canned sandwich spreads, canned fruits or fish for salads, an extra loaf of bread or so, which can be toasted if it becomes stale, pome delicious salad dressings, olives and pickles, vacuum-packed coffee and perhaps some mints. Keep the refrigerator well stocked with canned beer. The newest way to buy beer for home use or for parties is in cans. You'll be delighted to find that two cans of this beer take up only the space required for one bottle of beer and thus your :-aity shelf in the refrigerator doesn't crowd out the children's tirade A milk and such. No doubt, by this time, you Vmv "'! sorts of good things to ii "5-aer, but since we're : v:mting around for sonie- i for these "newest" parties here are more sugges- ! tions: Snappy Come-Backs Toasted Deviled Cheese Sand-iciches: Sand-iciches: Spread squares or oblongs of buttered toast with deviled ham. Sprinkle thickly with grated ' cheese and place under the broiler flame until the cheese is melted ' and browned. Serve at once. Corned Beef and Celery Sand- ! wiches: Chop sufficient canned j corned beef to fill one cup. Add j one-half cup finely-chopped celery I and one-third cup chili sauce, j Spread between slices of buttered j whole wheat bread. This makes j about one dozen whole-slice sandwiches. sand-wiches. Viina Sandtvichcs: Cut sausages sau-sages from one can of Vienna sausages sau-sages in thin rings and put a layer of them on bread that has been spread with butter and mayonnaise. Sprinkle with a little lit-tle chopped sweet pickle and cover with another slice of bread spread with butter and mayonnaise. Sardine and l'imiento Sandwiches: Sand-wiches: Bone, skin and mash the contents of one can of sardines (or use the boneless and skinless sardines). Add two tablespoons chopped pimiento and four tablespoons table-spoons mayonnaise. Spread between be-tween buttered rye Iwead slices. Sauerkraut , Sausages and Blushing Apples: Heat the sauerkraut sauer-kraut from one 1-pound can of sauerkraut and pile, in the center of a large hot platter. Heat the contents of one 9-ounce can of Vienna sausages and arrange on top. Around the edges place six small apples which have been cored, pared and cooked in a syrup' made by boiling one cup sugar, one and one-half cups water wa-ter and a few red cinnamon candies together. Turn the apples around often so they cook and color evenly on all sides. Let cook until tender, but not so long that they lose their shape. This serves six persons. FOR REAL RESULTS TRY AN AD LET IN THE NEWS Code No. 59 mi M-iiiii!iiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiniii(iii iiinitimiiniiniiiiiMiiiiiiii!' s ! CL1NE.AMLSON & CLINE I General Law Practice I I In All State and Fed- j eial Courts 1 i , Offices At 1 Milford Ik-aver Fillmore i iiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiinmr , mi iiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinu WARD FUNERAL HOME 1 Licensed Funeral Directors I and Embalmers I 1 UNEXCELLED SERVICE I FOR THOSE WHO CARE f j Phone 84 Milford, Utah " lllllllKIIIIIIMIItlllllltlllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllHl' lliliillllllllllNllllllllllllllilllllllillllllllllllllllllJIIIilllllllllllliiMllllllllHKi.i. I ROLLIN R. SHANNON j Physician and Surgeon I Office Hours I 1 10:00-12:00 a.m., 2:00-5:00 p.m. I I Exc. Saturdays & Holidays ! Hospital Service At I THE MILFORD HOSPITAL j llllll linilllllllllllllllllltlllilllll)lllttll1lllllllllllillllll1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIMl7 iiiiiiiiiimiiinii iiiiriniiiHii iiiiiini uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiimiiiiiiMi ! I L. G. CLAY I if NOTARY PUBLIC! I Milford, Utah f tin iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir I 'lllllllllllllltlltlllltllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllHIIillltlhllllllllllllllllMIWIIt General Medical Practice 1 DR. J. J. WEIR I Physician & Surgeon Telephone 89 205 N. Main Milford iiiiiiiiilillllllltllltlllllllllllilllllllMllltllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIin.n Subscribe! Don't Borroiw , f 1. PROOF of V rT"E I 11 Lower Operating f n &-7&S, . i l cost Qi-v,ea,See ' ' (ft XI " "eft?"' Co j , J! 2. PROOF of penewF . 8o"e I v " ; ; " I Safer Food 1 giv"' Pec I : I A Protection I ft g$S ft 3-PR00Fof 1 toJS? J Mre 'Ce an,A ' 1 ' -TZZZT ; - V FnEW PRICES AS LOW AslJ ' v r ' t , 4. proof of X M (S 1 X Usability I .... . U x : a 5iuy,5U H - r j : 5. proof of j I I A Five-Year " " X'& j t feA protection Plan Jk24 BUY OH PROOF Save money now and for years to come ifp i, i fjjj. Youshould not be satisfied with mere for Five Years against jor vert expanse for I fe i:; J'7'"'' ' , 1 1 I claims, nor with only one or two stand- only $5 included in the pifh se price. Wl """ ".""'! Mrr""""" ards for buying. Demand PRCOF of ALL And what convenient -' ::?'iairc FIVE! Come in and seethe PP.OOF that freezes more ice aster (! you up 5 Frigidaire saves you more on current to 42 more h. !! space in fur.:, I ..!- C7f fCCtlCif and food bills throughout its long life Width Slidiiii; inci -.-!.;, I-orrai le Utility . ., . of trouble-free service. Because only Shelf and scores of otlstr advanf- Only Frigidaire dares to build . ., . , , , ,,, ' D , , -a. this Food-Safety indicator Frigidaire has the sensational Meter- Before you buy, sec us demoi:trata right into the cabinet visible Miser the most efficient, durable this PROOF of tc,V.v value. x f oof that foods are kept at mechanism ever devel- VTCJ" S.ifetv-Zone Temperature, be- , f u (V; '- low degree, and above 32 Ped for home refrlS; r- FRIGI DAIRE 5. degrees. eration protected - - t.8K.ortra,N.n,.:p,. tU fal fM f TELLURIDE POWER CO. |