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Show DOCTORSJINOV Mothers read this: THREE STEPS 1 TO RELIEV1NS l I 1 CONSTIPATION A cleansing dose today; a smaller quantity tomorrow; less each time, until bowels need no help at all. Why do people come home from a hospital with bowels working like a well-regulated watch? The answer is simple, and it's the answer to all your bowel worries if you will only realize it: many doctors and hospitals use liquid laxatives. If you knew what a doctor knows, you would use only the liquid form. A liquid can always be taken in gradually reduced doses. Ixeduced dosage is the secret of any real relief from constipation. Ask a doctor about this. Ask your druggist how very popular liquid laxatives have become. They give tha right kind of help, and right amount of help. The liquid laxative generally used is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. It contains senna and cascara both natural laxatives that can form no habit, even in children. So, try Syrup Pepsin. You just take regulated doses till Nature restores regularity. SCOLDS Put MentVtolalum in V 1 1 tKe nostrils to relieve irritation and promolo III clear brcalhin. y If you prefer nose drops, or throat sprav, call for the E MEW MEKTHQLATUM LIQUID I in handy bottle with dropper P;.'''i.l4 PARKER'S Klli HAIR BALSAM lSir&5j Removes Dandruff-Stop Hole FoUlna rvr1 V Imparts Color and wKv'&i Lh Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair lsVS""? 1)00 and at DrupiTista. Wka., I'nt rhogin', N.Y, FLORESTON SHAMPOO Ideal for U6o in connect ionwith Parker's Hair Balsam.Makes tha hair soft and fluffy. B0 cenla by mail or at drufr-gists. drufr-gists. Hiscox Chemical Works, Patchoguo, N. Y, WNU-W 1030 Mo Need to Suffer "EVlorningSickrcess" "Morning Bickness" is caused by an acid condition. To avoid it, acid must bo offset by alkalis such as magnesia. Why Physicians Recommend Milnesia Wafers These mint-flavored, candy-like wafers ore pure milk of magnesia in solid form the most pleasant way to take it. Each wafer is approximately equal to a full adult dose of liquid milk of magnesia. Chewed thoroughly, then swallowed, they correct acidity in the mouth and throughout tho digestive system and insure Quick, com. plete elimination of the waste matters that cause gas, headaches, bloated feelings and a dozen other discomforts. Milnesia Wafers come in bottles of 20 and 48, at 35c and 60c respectively, and in convenient tins for your handbag containing contain-ing 12 at 20c. Each wafer is approximately one adult dose of milk of magnesia. Ail good drug stores sell andrccommend them. Start using these delicious, effective anti-acid, gently laxative wafers today Professional samples sent free to registered physicians or dentists if request is made on professional letterhead. Salect Product, Inc.. 4402 23rd St., long Wand City, N. Y. 35c & 60c rif boyles Mtmm mfk Lfcifc !f ItfV Tfie Original Milk of Mop.nesia Water SALT LAKE'S NEWEST HOSTELRY Oar lobby Is delightfully air cooled daring tbe summer months Radio for Every Room A 200 Rooms 200 Batht I r ' -' l 1 . r r h , t,L 1 HOTEL Temple Square Fates $l.SO to $3.00 The tint ft Temple fvpinre ham m hinhly drirnhlr, frirmJlT olmr-phrre. olmr-phrre. You will iilwayi f lnl it Immor-ulaln, Immor-ulaln, minrrmrlj roin for I o ll, mnd ttiorouef"? Bef"flll--Vou enn lhrr-fore lhrr-fore undrrlanil tlii holrl 1st HIGHLY HKCOMMKNDED Yoo can alo appreciate whyi f a mark of distinction to slop at thi beautiful hostelry ERNEST C ROSSITF.R, Mj?r. |