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Show CHECKING ACCOUNTS FOR EFFICIENCY EVERY BUSY MAN knows the efficiency of paying bills and keeping accounts of expenditures expen-ditures and income through a checking account. YOU (can open a checking account with us today and save time and effort ef-fort for really productive work ! MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Milford State Bank DEPOSTORY FOR U. S. POSTAL SAVINGS IN LONG DISTANCE TEEPH O NESER V "c B 1. Rates are lower all day Sunday. 2. Person to person and station-to-station rates are reduced every night at 7 p. m. mfr Reductions apply when day statton-krrt' statton-krrt' to-station rate is more than 35c. "Look Jim, Lets Co To Salt Lake" "The Newhouse Hotel is featuring special low rates which we can afford. "Let's go to Salt Lake City during the week-end. We can have a most enjoyable time and look, breakfast will be served in our room Sunday morning at no additional cost" The Newhouse Hotel Famous For Hospitality and Good Food KATES sms- J- H- WATERS, 1 President SingU $2 to $4 Double $2.60 to $4.50 W. E. SUTTON, all With Bath Genl. Manager llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllillllllllMIIIIIHItMltilllllllllillltlllllllll I L. G. CLAY i I NOTARY PUBLIC Milford, Utah j tiiiiiiiiiilllliirilHiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiDiiiiiiiiitiiii iimiiiilf iiinm" ioo proof m - 7 PINT r'- -vay Code No. 335 f , fA - HERE I AM t 1 ; I ' f - Vt v s CHECKING UP THE i ' f ' k h www TEMPERATURE t , J 5" , a W In th warehouse, if A " ? ' you'r lookins for ' , k v, 'l' ' '(. "k- N uniform mallownen ' j ,y " , , ' I : yoaju.tgottow.tch "J " t y a n ' y. your Unpmtm .1 k s "V" V , v. J . ' " ktA! Thi. ii ft , y -? lVXx k i, m. .nd m, boy. S. .-f'tX X s 'V A ml"n the morning jg; ; J s-S Sf"1 X v momel" readings. :. " x $ t f Harry E.Wilkea. Sr. t " - a i tt.a.:iv;s:;v. ...viy. .ifijfih1 ftii .1" 'W . t: A.v:wv --Bn r'' , (n J Copyria-ht 1S36. Jo. 8. Finch Co.. Inc. .. . iVV That Special lustiness you can count on its being in every barrel and I; -Jflfe'f-l bottle of our Family's Whiskey always! J V- Wy- Maybe you'd like it if I set right down here a promise me and the I tj-jjfl , I y , f; boys are going to keep till the day we die. I'm speaking for myself 1 tsiSss llj and the boys when I promise you can count on us seeing to it that wbi" f'J the quality of our Family's Whiskey is going to stay put with p?jab " j 'P all that mildness and tastiness in each and ii ... a y,f every bottle yesterday, today and tomorrow. &frsUfaxiAxdr. W'l fiSlf rlMi"iil1i)' ltSi,ifi'(lW BLENDED AND BOTTLED BY JOS. S. FINCH & CO., INC., MimWWmiM) yOy lSm J- dM schenley,pa.-divisionofschenleyproductsco.,inc. P.S. Free, a copy of our Wilken Family Cooking Album if you'll write meat The Maples, R. F. D. No. 3 Schenley, Pa. ; :':":':;,::::v:::::-:::i::i::::;;:::::::::::::;x -Different Wecanse if s n . alloP" f I - .We don't mean one of those "talking point" differ- j : ences. We mean a real difference. Alloying Germ i j ' Processed oil goes beyond refining and re-refining. , j After every harmful element is cleaned out, the pat- j J ented Conoco Germ Processing element is scien- ! tifically put IN. I That's what brings you this alloyed oil, with its strange jf attachment for pistons, cylinders, and all other engine parts including every known type of bearing. All these parts really become oil-plated! This oil-plating is extra. It's a plus added to the tougher, more slippy, heat-beating Germ Processed oil film. You've got this high-durability oil film, sliding slid-ing on thoroughly oil-plated surfaces, and so you're yU..-i.J.....JWi , that much farther from wear and noise. if You're facing hotter days and harder runs. Out with jqjPVqJ dirty winter oil! Only the Conoco man can change V.Kk ATa. J you quickly to Germ Processed, the alloyed oiL NX S ff Continental Oil Company. V GERM PROCESSED OIL Drive to Texas Centennial this year's greatest show. Open June 6. For free marked maps write Conoco Travel Bureau, Denver, Colo. |