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Show GAS, GAS ALL THE TIME, CfiHT EST OR SLEEP "Tie jas on sfomacfi P. .. i.1;;'- was so bad I could not eat or elcep. Even my , t heart hurt. A friend su- k- . vvV gested Adlerika. The first f y. 2 dose I took brought me V relief Now I eat as I n ish, x. sleep fine and neper felt BHJLJL. better." Mrs. Jas. Filler. Adlerika acts an BOTH upper and lower bowels while ordinary laxatives act on the lower bowel only. Adlerika gives your system a thorough cleansing, bringing out old, poisonous matter that you would not believe was in your system sys-tem and that has been causing gas pains, sour stomach, nervousness and headaches for months. Dr. H. L. Shoub, New York, reports: "In addition to intestinal cleansing, Adlerika greatly reduces bacteria and colon bacilli' Give your stomach and bowels a REAL cleansing with Adlerika and see how good you feel. Just one spoonful relieves GAS and chronic constipation. Sold by all druggists and drug departments. To quickly relieve 111 chapping and roiighnessAu If apply soothing, fll cooling Meniholatum. Have you trlfd the HEW MEHTH0UTUM LIQUID for head colds? Lihe Mcnlhoialum ointment it brinfVft ftoolhinj) comfort KM COfilHG 001? P"7 ""-l'' " j You need a medicine r A to stop it regular I 'luse of Glover's ' ' j Mange Medicine and I "" " Glover's Medicated k ' j. Soap for the sham-i sham-i poo. Stops excessive j ,, f . J Falling Hair; over- i - comes Dandruff; pro- p :l:--i i J m o t c s normal hair growih and scalp health. A sk your Hairdresser. WNU W 12 .",(1 . .J-...T.,-.ir... - - . i J WHEN kidneys function badly and W you suffer a nagging backache, ! with dizziness, burning, scanty or too I frequent urinetion end getting up at night; when you feel tired, nervous, all upset ... use Doan's Pills. j Doan's are especially for poorly working kidneys. Millions cf boxes I are ued every year. They ere recommended recom-mended the country over. Ask your neighborl |