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Show Will NOW Relieve Your Cold "Quick as You Caught It" . . .., j i 7 rr-' i For Amazingly Fast Results , i(Xfr V ' Remember Directions '):iJ-. in These Simple Pictures i .v; if The simple method pictured here is I the way many doctors now treat ' & rT colds and the aches and pains colds '&"f-'$i zzSfaf&tX-- bring with them! lui ' - ' '"' 's It is recognized as a safe, sure, I Take 2 BAYER Aspirin Tablets. QUICK way. For it will relieve an Tablets' yeouSUs3c fit! g" " BAVER ordinary cold almost as fast as you - ... .. 'rvwwn caught it iV. ' )jf,;:! A5 yur doctor about this. And , v f when you buy, be sure that you get ' s CT" the real BAYER Aspirin Tablets. iV5S' r t They dissolve (disintegrate) almost ( Tr fcl fcR" instantly. And thus work almost in- Y !3i slantly when you take them. And XJL??M , fr a 8arS'e. Genuine Bayer Aspirin Jlf' '"y " ' WA:- Tablets disintegrate with speed and ; completeness, leaving no irritating 2. gS tZSL' Repe3t particles or griUincss. BAYER Aspirin prices have been wm. ,-jtu j'"'i"jt'ij5vj decisively reduced on all sizes, so l.Z'f S-- there's no point now in accepting ' "s" JS'i f? other than the real Bayer article you 'o3lL H how illil? ifcti is ilf 3 If throat is sore, crush and stir 3 I W I BAYER Aspirin Tablets in a third pRCES on Genuine Boyer Aspirin of a class of water. Gargle twice. This p. eases throat soreness almost instantly. Radically Reduced on All Size. The Choice cf Millions Double Tested Double Action Manufactured by baking powder Specialists who make nothing but baking powder under supervision of expert chemists. Sams Price Today as 44 Years Ago 25 ounces for 25C You can also buy AP 11 14 ounce can for 10(J 1111 IS ounce can for ISO Kiglaest Quality Always Dependable |