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Show JTS Made by the makers of V IVORY SOAP IV s true, m. madam MISSIS slEl . j RCO. U. S. PAT OTP t..-v-w-''-.HiK.,1-yr, vvj. -i. iiTi-- "- mi, i .j- ; -w.' - ... v.i.. y j n-. i. r--i. . i i BUT see how much easier it is with the New Oxydol JIJVIv f Dissolves faster, rinses away cleaner, makes 509fc more euds -iT 'TTlT'' j that's why the New Oxydol makes dishes so sparkling clean -jlQj&y 4&f lightens all housework. Kind to hands, sweet smelling, leaves t ttXiiJifiS f no scum, softens water, never balls up. Procter & Gamble "''Xfiti jnm I The Men I Vacation Land Sunshine All Winter Long Splendid roads towering mountain ranges Highest type hot els dry invigorating in-vigorating air clear starlit nights-California's nights-California's Foremost Desert Playground -jko-kk Write Croe & chatley T CALIFOBMA v 1 If , COTCU w V fejy Used in Every Countryv "p ' j? S, in the Worldfor W j "-4 T" More than ri2&3 rSp Three Generations f FROZEN MM TO SUNNY SOUTH Salt Lake City Directory ORISMON & NICHOLS ASSAYERS AND CHEMISTS Office and Laboratory 215-231 S. 'West Temple St., Salt Lako City, Utah. P. O. Box 1666. Mailing envelopes and prices furnished on request. Used Pipe, Fittings & Valves Newly threaded and coupled for all purposes. Monsey Iron and Metal Co. 700 So. 8nl West - Salt Lake City, Utah. Salt Lake City's Tfewest Hotel HOTEL TEMPLE SQUARE 200 Rooms 200 Tile Baths Radio connection in every room. RATES FROM 1.50 Just opposite Mormon TabtmacU ERNEST C. ROSSITER, Mgr. . . . then another 14 with the Crankcase Dry tO ptOV6 the PENETRATION from Muskogee. Chevrolet mechanics of Germ Processed Oil and tore down the motor and rronunced , . . . . . ..it undamased. The doubters became Value of the "Hidden Quart" believersl The oil that protects a motor under "Hooey!" jeered one of the bystanders , ... , such conditions will give you better, in a Muskogee, Oklahoma, filling sta- . , . . . i safer lubrication in evcry-day driving I tion when F. J. Morgan told how the , ... . J Conoco Germ Processed Oil is the only 'Hidden Quart" of Conoco Germ oi, tha actually penetratcs and com. Processed Oil had protected many cars blnes wkh metal suraces. That,s why . from harm when run with the crank- a Hidden Quart" stays up in your case empty. motor and never drains away. It cuts To prove his point, Mr. Morgan had down costly starting wear, saves gas, the Germ Processed Oil drained from gives your motor longer life, with Lis crankcase and, accompanied by the( fewer repair bills. doubter, started for Checotah, 27 miles Change to Conoco Germ Processed away. Oil for safer, surer lubrication. A crowd met the car at r r r r f Checotah, but Mr. Morgan y neithcr "courage "dry crankce" , , . . . T- experimcnti nor guarantee luccen under drove on to Eufaula, 14 f A .h condition,. Bui un.olicit.d im miles farther, 41.6 miles ! from motorilu now m our f,I" teI1 of i t 7 y .- ij) thii snd hundreds of other rum with VV f - empty crankcase but without damage. XCONOCO 1 r GERM : THE HIDDEN QUART ...THAT NEVER DRAINS AWAY mctoo oil Jl GERM PROCESSED CZd-i PARAFFIN BASE MOTOR OIL |