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Show Ak Your Grocer For "TWIN PEAKS" BRAND PEAS BEANS TOMATOES Rocky Mountain Packing Co. Salt Lake City, Utah CHICKS CHICKS CHICKS All leading varieties. Don't Buy Them Blindfolded Blind-folded when it is so easy to see the chicks, the eprgs and the flocks from which they come. Brother, protect that dollar as never before I White Leghorns, now only 10c each. BROODERS The world-famous Sol-Hot. Coal, oil or electric. FEEDERS AND WATERERS Klondike, "The Pride of All America." Chick, pullet and hon sixes. BAMSHAW HATCHERIES. Salt Lake, Ut. TIMPANOCOS HATCHERY, Provo, Ut. Write, Wire or Call. YOUR WOOL CAN BE EXCHANGED FOR FINE WOOLEN MERCHANDISE WRITE Original Utah Woolen Mills SALT LAKE CITY PLAN SPRING PLOWING . . . with use of "Caterpillar" Tractor oldest and leading track-type tractor. Prominent farmers owe success to these machines. Write for descriptive catalogs. !gP CatergSllar Landes Tractor & Equipment Co. Salt Lake City and Tremonton, Utah THIS WEEK'S PRIZE STORY We are told that a sure relief for "Depression" "De-pression" is to spend our money : the directions di-rections should also read, "and spend it at home". So whether it be groceries, dry Roods, drugs or machinery let's always ask for Intermountain Made Goods, and thus know that we are getting the most and best for our money and incidently giving oar own community a boost! MRS. F. H. BALIS. Eden. Idaho. Return of Youth New York's Sensational New Miracle Cosmetic 4 Creams in 1, Absolutely Pure. Cleanser, tissue builder, powder base removes and prevents wrinkles. Write for SI jar. Agents wanted everywhere. Big returns. WON SUE FUN, 423 Judge Bldg. Salt Lake City. Utah. CLAUDE NEON LIGHTS Electrical Products Corporation 1048 So. Main Salt Lake City Send For Free Seed and Nursery Guide Book Address Salt Lako City. Utah. Ask Your Druggist For MILK OF AfliiA MAGNESIA AN INTERMOUNTAIN PRODUCT SPERE TENT & AWNING Co. 270 SO. WEST TEMPLE Everything in Canvas Goods JJ5jP bb GASOLINE JPackedJViUt gJJ S( vr ,VMlt win Paid 55.JU ,or ,he b"' 50-word article on '"Why yoo -.hould use Intermountain made Goods" Similar to abar. Send your story in pros or verse to Intermountain In-termountain Products Column. P. O Box 1545, Salt Lake City. If yur story appears in this (O jff (TV fa column you will re- ycl-lSli ccive check for . . . V V W. N. U. S. L. Week No. 3212 -k.-. ;-yia,w-'i gWQSSP, I, I, in- miii-hi i i ii iirru i n He's a success in business, It is true. But at home he's the worst kind of failure. fail-ure. Can't get along with his wife ... easily upset . . . attacks of nerves . . . always tired out. All this could easily be avoided with the aid of Fellows' Syrup, the perfect tonic. Man, how it peps up appetite and vigor! How it helps ease frazzled tempera tem-pera and build up real energy. Just a single bottle may do you a world of good. Find out for yourself, by asking your druggist for a bottle of genuint Fellows' Syrup. FELLOWS' SYRUP END CHEST COLDS QUICK WITH GOOD RED PEPPER HEAT Relieves Almost Instantly When noisy breathing an3 sharp paint in chest, dry cough or washed out feeling feel-ing broadcast the presence of a chest cold, just try this safe and sure remedy that relieves chest colds and aches and pains of rheumatism, neuritis and lumbago lum-bago almost instantly. It is the penetrating, pene-trating, healing heat of red peppers. Now this genuine red peppers' heat is contained in an ointment you simply rub on to get relief in less than 3 minutes. min-utes. It is Rowles Red Pepper Rub, No blister, nor bum nor harm. It does bring the relief you want. Get a small jar from your druggist RUNDOWN . . . NO APPETITE Eagle, Colo. "A r "wrm few years ago, I was all rundown, v y , , , had no appetite, s could not sleep, and i'af ! suffered terribly :j from woman's (3 ' ; ' trouble," said Mrs. j. ''.i' W. F. Kleckner, " 5 '. Box 142. "Finally I V began taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and the 'Golden Medical Discovery' and also used the 'Lotion Tablets,' and after continuing their use for some time I am now entirely well, have gained 16 pounds, have a good appetite and sleep well." Sold by all druggists. For free medical advle. write to Doetov Pierce'. Clinic la Buffalo, N. Y., mine; Ul. rtnptom blank irropped with each boltl. of Dr. Pierce's Medicines SORE THROAT FIVE minutes after you rub on Musterole your throat should begin to feel less sore I Continue the treatment once every hour for five hours and you'll be astonished at the relief. 1 This famou. blend of oil of mustard, I camphor, menthol and other ingredients ingredi-ents brings relief naturally. Musterola Rets action because it is a "counter-irritant" "counter-irritant" not just a salve it penetrates pene-trates and stimulates blood circulation and helps to draw out infection and pain Used by millions for 20 years. Rccom tnendca by doctors and nurses. To Mothers Musterole is also made in milder form for babiet end small children. Ask for Children's Chil-dren's Musterole. 1 |