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Show MakesLife Sweeter Children's stomachs sour, nnd need an Hiiti-iU'Ul. Keep their systems w.vt with I'lilUlps Milk of Magnesia I When toiij;uo or breath tolls of acid condition oorroot It with a spoonful of I'lilUlps. Most mon ntul women have been comforted by this universal sweetener more mothers should In voke Its aid for their children. It Is a pleasant thins to take, yet neutralizes more add than the harsher things too often employed for the purpose. No household should be without It, rhillips Is the penulne, preserlp ttonal product physicians endorse for general use; the name Is Important. Milk of Magnesia" has been the U. S. registered trade mark of the Charles H. Phillips Chemical Co. mid Its predecessor pre-decessor Charles II. Phillips since 1S73. "OMILOPS a Milk of Magnesia Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh A Healing Antiseptic Money back for fint boctja if Dot suited. All dtalara. X Qvtck Relief! A pleasant, effective p X rvrup 35c and 60c tizcs. And ex- w. twrnaHy, ase PlSOS Throat md Chrtt Salve, 35c J Women are saying: "Pinkham's Compound keeps me fit to do my work." "I wa3 nervous and all run down. Now I eat better and sleep better". "It helped my thirteen year old daughter." "I took it before be-fore and after my baby was born." "1 am gaining every day." What Will Yhen your Children Cry for It There Is hardly a household that hasn't heard of Castoria ! At least five million homes are never without it. I there are children in your family, there's almost daily need of its comfort. com-fort. And any night may find you very thankful there's a bottle in the house. Just a few drops, and that colic or constipation is relieved; or diarrhea checked. A vegetable product; a baby remedy meant for young folks. Castoria is about the only thing you have ever heard doctors advise giving to infants. . Stronger medicines are dangerous to a tiny baby, however harmless they may be to grown-ups. Good old Castoria! Remember the name, and remember to buy it. It may spare you a sleep-less, sleep-less, anxious night It is always ready, always safe to use; in emergencies, or for everyday ailments. Any hour of the day or night that Baby becomes fretful, fret-ful, or restless. Castoria was never more popular with mothers than it L today. Every druggist has it. Hujj0oiiorLhJuiryWjjpaoc:kt. tut :i i'jiTia, cottage, Caror, schools, j 4 J stores and oliiccs without dicw -! j luting water. Simple, convenient, I j, contract; inexpensive to run. No j installation coot. Provides hot (' water fit airy hour day or niglit. L J County Agents Wanted 7 Tr We vrmnt rellabU men In evwy conn 1 Jl tf, 1 rrmndou drmaruj. tiatif U 0 torjr commUelon. Will lot dtulla. ft Consolidated Electrical Fim National Jioit hulidiu ItAIHO HKT III.'ir.DKRH. Our prlcea P. O. ft. til-fettle boat eahtciu catitlof prices. Our m-.r-chitfid Ihk 1m aland a rd u nd conipW.-ie. No Job JotM. KaNtitMt iMirvlca. Well ((m paJi jr . 8a l -tR-, Wn.ihlr-Kion. entebllnhKl lhiB, the Padlio Coar Mh'tftMt Jrt Jobler of klU, BtUt. arUi, con ho I);, tube and arfi:uorli-, f Tf" t IT A Booklertfi.H!rhftatwfer!roor. Un I L M I V i"t remit.. Pn,jpm-i m-lU m-lU I ill I tl anrr-d. WiTfMtH M. COLtat S . fui n I ui 1 1 vlwjw, ni iu u.,HHUii.t, &T -Sl PARKER'S f-'J&i HAIR BALSAM t- - - y "m""--'"'r""-"ftH'J'lia"'rllll"g ''tf 'ft yt Restore Color ' LaI3, Beuty to Grar and Faded Hah " "-' Kll VK. 1! irj l OnjjfylKU. p ;. ' , Oh.m. Wkg- I'iO l.'.i- m.-. IT. T. FLORF.STON SHAMPOO Ideal for one In ciiin'jcttLii ivuh Purlers Ilair ha sam. Makeathe hair aoft and fluffy. 60 cent bj mail or at drnr-amta. drnr-amta. AJbcox CtiuiniciU Work, fntchogne, N. y. Iftgtl JplBfal. J '" v '!3yon can't dye a dress no inatter' f: - A, V;:. -. how careful you may be without real color. That's the idea behind Diamond Dyes. They are made to bj',:':'.il give you real service. They contain from three to five times IJ-5 v-:; 7i more aniline than other dyes on the market K'3ifHv Next time you want to dye, try Diamond Dyes. See how easy It is to use them. Then compare results. Note the absence of that re-dyed K";-:;;C;V y look ; of streaking, or spotting. See how soft, bright, new looking the colors are. Then observe how they keep their brilliance through wear f X-'i and washing. If you don't agree Diamond Dyes are better dyes, your dealer will refund your money. , M The while package of Diamond Dyes is the -original ''all-purpose" dye for '.$ ' any and every kind of material. It will dye or tint silk, wool, cotton, k : r. ..S 4 linen, rayon or any mixture of materials. The blue package is a special fc'Vi's dye, for silk or wool only. With it you can dye your valuable articles s;;;V of silk or wool with results equal to the finest professional work. When V-.A you buy remember this. The blue package dyes silk or wool only, t..: 'Vv-- The white package will dye every kind of goods, including' silk ani y!' VNk w00' our dealer has both packages. . I iiitlS |