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Show . . i, ' .tl.tf. V-i - - c ; viiirn i . .,' ..I ,1 a,. ,. $ t .... ... ' i j- j, ' . , ; , ; V ' ',' j"" .- ' .: . '.J. i '' '''"" . '- '...? L,m... ,rf ,T ; 4 FORE of MILFORD, UTAH II GlVeAwaV f If lifl U i!j It P KB gUS EVER OFFERED 'JTjrn UTAH I ' H : 2-r I , p sJlN THE STORE m Under-pricing Triumph ! B I . .... Jie'Ul" l2"' S"le I ThLs SiJe frerH a wwndcrful opportunity to select the most needed merchandise at a fraction of the usuiJ cost. Every item in our entire stock would ordinarily nell for a great deal more than ' jr""l S Jl pB jk vhat w have il marked for the next ten days. Such a statement a thin should certainly be power- ; " FANCY COTTON ,V-A l 1 I B R fuI to make every thrifty man and woman of Mil ford read very item in this advertisementthen S vv'v ''A I fjH come to the store Saturday morning to buy seasonable needed merchandise at these sensational price '- ' CfCp6 P S ( I BJ ! reductions. We are going to make a clean sweep of the entire stock regardless of cast, profit, loss KV'' v P" i t UB , or former selling prices. Let nothing keep you away from sharing in this great event !''-; ? Ti-f.y figured erer in X-V(i J v rT., , ,, , ... , , . , n c .ortment of color.. ('.l M MEN'S OVERALLS ' iTZT" - " 1'- ' 1 5 w . . , , ; LADIES' RAYON UNDIES " d, x. , H:jrh or susix-mliT buck ntyles. J r , "VS a' S 5 ' y r u'l.ir crice per yard 2&c. " -J i Heavy weight denum. Special f Bi autiful triirjucd Hnyon French PnntieH, Bloonv rs and Step-ins. il i ) Q f . OQp H tJk? 79c nMnsfiS: Oilb lad,k,BCs PBoyj j,. I H NAPKINS y lk" ;VAvW Colored pettcmn In Muslin and 5- . f f J ''li t pajomm check. TeHHie?i, Panties nd ( V fc. t j i ! f Ai Rown. Kepular Jl. 00. Sale price Wy Snow white. 18x18. Perfect MEN'S KIIAKI PANTS ; Af) ? : 4fYy square. Regular 20c. F Union M.d. " ' 1 4 l. q Sale price Ver. nre quaiity of materials and H i; X workma iship makes these pants . . 7 " 1 ?" . m. ', '-"r rVlfrNOPft MEN'S AND BOYS' ; SILK DRESS BARGAINS ' ' '" Bl ! 521 rxVT? Vt'S Rr FLANNEL 14 VO rfL I f-; 7 1 Pi M f 1 'KS SHIRTS P WrS? ,tysS!: feA LADIES' RAYON HOSE jjr, J b 2 'arffe butt0" d0W" P0613' fanc' i P lis f Ckod asortment of colors, pointed heel "X-iai LBi- X. ,Jf n buttons. Extra special fi (ft f f" yf fashioned, rayon to the top. Regular. 50c. GROUP NO 7 ifV A YV M 1 fti-f Bala pric ( ; MEN'S DRESS SUITS C gj fl fef l!) L U U All small sizes in dark pattern. A 11 J jj J BJ feV'Ji " ,miSt? rffc jfV ' j U5.00 to ?30.00. Sale MJ fl 1 U " ( , . VO 5.95 j& V a'fS'ti SPRING STYLES IN SILK jj SMlI IS ! , f , V i ' '7 ''.t'V DRESSES 1 f VJJ 1 HART SCHAFFNER AND i 4 ! J ' tf Regular $10.00 to 15.00. Sale f , ?& s marx suits rrfn P Lf s GROUP NO. 8 l CHILDREN'S DRESS W l 0 flC l' CHILDREN'S HOSE g Nt-w styles and attractive pat- t 1 SLIPPERS ' Vf'J hi j HH -'g tcrr. in light and dark colors. XF M libJ VI ' l I Derby ribbed in tight colors, Reffular 2&c, i.J P.- ular values to $45.00. Sale j ( k Straps and Oxfords I SJSg 4 fafk ! lS ' rf1 pnc- LAX MJl l&K B VlUl Saleprie- -A LJT GROUP NO. ?-? "' $19.75 T?Tn W't VtiW h I All These savings offer a wonderful , V f fr i: CfjJ"'' 7 I opportunity to save money. They PONGEE SILK DRESSES H R fX'tJ -W-lifVt ill come in patent, Un and black calf ; , . r(t ,M, Il ! ,: - ' f SLk iJl r T-- x ill , i o o b,i I Never before, never again such bargains I - e . pdS j'i $1-95 TM'rWnlWW I lb 1 li I'-' GET YOUR NEW EASTER DRESS MONDAY I H! ' j k "I llfctNx L l 8.1,1 i . ISlJI I ' On Monday, March the 25th, you may have your -j 0 - frll-PCVV -,7 7L('i 'Ifni L I Vi 111 W choice of any of our beautiful Silk Dresses. Regular I A-r 1 Kp 7iTi4 Wl UfLnlA . iMML:M$j JSQ U yawa $1950 to $3960 for only ; "j7 -r-a-rr.u.'"... " ' JJ.. . -n : r;; :::.--:.:z:".t.: ::::'.ilrl il Store MILFORD, UTA1H1 'SSZ . I I" ,Mp..u!IIWI!.l.!.lllMI I l. " .. |