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Show f FOR. . lOLDS ; yCv v X w? " ' ' '1- 'h i To break a cold harmlessly -and in a hurry try a Bayer Aspirin tablet. And for headache. The action of Aspirin is very efficient, too, in cases of neuralgia, neuritis, even rheumatism and lumbago 1 And there's no after effect; doctors give Aspirin to children often infants. Whenever there's pain, think of Aspirin. The genuine Bayer Aspirin has Bayer on the box and on every tablet All druggists, with proven directions. ' , Physicians prescribe Bayer Aspirin; . f it does NOT affect tie heart Aspirin la the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of MoaoaceticacJdeater of Balicylieacja WORLD-FAMOUS FOB DULY TOILET USE The every-day use of Cuticura Soap, v 1 assisted by occasional applications of jCr "" Cntictrra Ointment, when required, is rsZNs,N. your best insurance against skin troubles, y&&2 They not only cleanse and purify, but also r enhance and preserve the natural qualities V"- of the skin and hair. ,s- - - - Soap 25c. Ointment 25c and 50c Talcum 2 5c N. "' Sold everywhere. Simple each free. AJJrtv; "Cuticura,' Dept. B6, Maiden, Mass. You Get Strong, If You ""S p. (O. are a tired-V tired-V ur ou' or "run- down" ro- Awk man, by tak- f, 1 ing Doctor 4f ,. , i Pierce's Favorite Pre-3L Pre-3L f . ': ecription. -tVomen by the thons-I thons-I ".-.) ands write letters like L J thls: "I gol so weak, nervous and rundown I was not much good for anything. I had severe backaches and bearing pains. My sister had taken Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription with such good results that I made up my mind to try it and it relieved me of all my ills. I got strong and felt as fine as any woman coukl wish." Mrs. Lucv Allrcd. 723 N. Harrison St Box 1225. Pootclio. Idaho. The use o "Favorite Prescription" has made many women happy by makiriB them healthy. Get it from your druggist, liquid or tablets. Write Dr. Pierce's Invalids Hotel in Buffalo, N. y for free advice. Send 10c if yon want a trial package of tablets. Teel(jOod Most ailments start from poor elimination (constipation or Bmi-consti pation). intestinal intes-tinal poisonaaap vitsaitj-. end ermine health and make life miserable. Tonipht try N? Nature's Remedy all-veR table correct. not juat an ordinary laxative. See how m will aid in restoring your appetite and rid you of that heavy, loegy. pcplees feeling. Mild, safe, purely vegetable At Druggists only 25c Business Training Pays Last year we placed more trian 1000 in good positions. We can place you when competent. When will you be rcady7 Sind for Sucuu Catalog Behnke-Walker Business College, Hth nnd Salmon Streets Fortlanu, Orcpon AH Winter Long Mnrvrlnui Climntn Cood llotrln TouHot Citmpa S Jrnuli.l ltnml (ionrroun MonnrnJii View. Thm wruiWH I doner t rvortof (m l nil - fiti.u'mo'i.i Salt Lake City Directory ililpplnir in lb.- IlKOr Kl AW N K V. M I It V '(., 2 (lit H". 1't W;;t HI.. Hull l.nlu ,Ut. 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K,lt I Uo City, rlalv. 0o Choose a TrofiLiLIo Vocation A l.ourn the ll.-Auly t'uliure tVviro wlr.-n bv ft X 4 linn :!im Ins I mi; lu nui.tems how to X e:uu Hit) MO. k C.tulo wm on rejm.n. J rr.vu m,.n sellout. T i' r. :i i v u i.iiaiit $ ::tt cn:t nn ... . p. 1 1 i ctiy 1 VV. N. U., G..lt L..K; City. No. K 111 -3. |