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Show Neal's Mother Has Right Idea I Within a few months there will be EC Y'S!A no more f everish, bil-t' bil-t' ious headachy, con-f con-f 3k stipated, pale and J puny children. That prophecy would sure- X i'tV ly come true if every mother could see for herself how quickly, easily, and harmlessly harm-lessly the bowels of babies and children chil-dren are cleansed, regulated, given tone and strength by a product which has proved its merit and reliability to do what is claimed for it to millions mil-lions of mothers in over fifty years of steadily increasing use. As mothers find out from using it how children respond to the gentle Influence of California Fig Syrup by growing stronger, sturdier and more active daily they simply have to tell other mothers about it That's one of the reasons for its overwhelming sales of over four million bottles a year. A Western mother, Mrs. Neal M. Todd, 1701 West 27th St., Oklahoma City, Okla., says: "When my son, Neal, was three years old he began having constipation. I decided to give him California Fig Syrup and in a few days he was all right and looked fine again. This pleased me bo much that I have used Fig Syrup ever since for all his colds or little npset spells. It always stops Ms trouble quick, strengthens him, makes bim eat." Always ask for California Fig Syrup by the full name and see that the carton bears the word "California." "Califor-nia." Then you'll get the genuine. Dr. Pierce's Pellets are best for liver, bowels and stomach. One little Pellet for u laxative three for a cathartic. Adv. ? - ' ' 1 !! ' " ' J I V U -. i-Y Nerves on edge. A head that neuritis, rheumatism, etc; or lose throbs. You can't stop work, but any time because of colds or sore you can stop the pain in a hurry. throat. Get some Bayer Aspirin and Bayer Aspirin will do it every time, just follow th9.se proven directions Take two or three tablets, a swallow for instant relief. ?f ,W,a,terV?nd. y0UXe- son,fcom- Get the genuine tablets, stamped fortaWe. There s nothing half-way with the jjaver cross They cost about the action of genuine aspirin ml especially if you buy If the box says Bayer, you will the b the bottle Any doctor wifj get complete relief. teU you they are harmless. They These tablets should be in every don't hurt the heart. They don't shop, office, and home. Ready to upset the stomach. So take them as relieve any sudden ache or pain, often as you have the least need of from a grumbling tooth to lumbago, their quick comfort. Take enough Don't suffer with that neuralgia, for complete results. BAYER ASPIRIN Safe Food Economy Jp ilthough you may save money on food, you must be certain to include the essential elements of diet. Vitamins A and D are r necessary in your meals. These arc found in Scott's Emulsion yv of Cod Liver Oil. "A" builds resistance, and helps old and a v '$ young guard against winter colds. "D" aids in growth and the ""a development of children's bones and teeth. In this emulsion a,.-',!,.... jr these vitamins may be had in a form easy and pleasing for &:Jiy?7;;' children and adults to take. Use daily during winter. Scott & N k1,t,"'Jj Bowne, Bloomfield, N. J. Sales Representative, Harold F. '-li Ritchie & Co., Inc., New York. Jtf'C "'"iSh. Listen to the Scott & Bovme radio program "Adventuring with Count CI & von Luekner," on Sunday night at 7:30 p. m. over the Columbia tgMt3 Coast-to-Coast Network and Stations KDYL Salt Lake City and KL.Z Denver CtdZewuv Gimthnsmt IW I Works Wonders in the "fe PlT Care of Your Hair j Massage the scalp with the Oint- ?'J mcnt to remove the dandruff. V "!& Then shampoo with Cntlcnra C' fc Soap to cleanse the hair and re- Jfc store its natural gloss Ciji4 and vigor. Qpi Tk Ointment 25c and 50c. Soap 25c. CSlteAX 11 Proprietors: Potter Drug CZ72f" II II & Chemical Corp., CmJ I i II II Maiden, Mass. 11 AFIEASSADOR HOTEL JF. l -"i Jnst a atcP from ylarrr"'1 fd'ZZ?'i T bosincut center. Quiet f; M Homelike. Pop- yvlf:' R Sfi aSSU- k Priced met.li. " SPrT:'.rFZW V1 ' Connection, JOE H. PEPPER, Manager ' 145 So. 5th East Phone Was. 3965 Salt Lake City, Utah Salt Lake's Only Family Hotel m i m Jiliif t-.--.- -lfl-t,!! I'.fi'r- -"-..v-o.-t-.-'i- 1.-.. -. .-Y--r- "'I f feeo. U. 8. pat. orr. Dll see hozemuch easier His iriih thcXvm Oxwjdnl '. 1Jr jf, ..." ' . -1 If you want sparkling, clean dishes use tbc New Oxydol that " $ V j makes 50 more suds rich, long lasting ends that cut grease .L t'- - - - ,?': like a flash and rinse off clean, leaving no scam, so dishes are ' v ' 'V- i1;-'-;'' -i clean in a jifly. And so easy on the hands 1 Procter & Camhlo L.-Ji..,.. . 1 J |