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Show : " I J.C.PENNEYCQ MILFORD UTAH Tailored Suits X7 r-i, Of Navy Twill Women s Gloves ' Of Fine Kidskin . 1 "j Smooth, wft and NLf perfectly fitting I J "3 R?5-. n ,mart hadei W Jll w itney cuffs. If . I JW'1 Especially desir- W J 7 I XfM Me at cor low Mj Ljfl it? pric f' pair w mm $2.98 MI - fSilk Hosiery Service Weight Merceriitd t9 and to gre&sar terries. Pir il.49 Tailbred Slips The vogue for die tailored . , suit is established and no For Spnng Frock smart woman or miss will be without one of navy twill An assortment including a when she can buy it at her comber of different material J C Pennev store so iota- . 'ud a renxe of fight, medium .misively! and dark colors. Some with 2 r , . inch and ether, with 10 inch ivomeo Misses :: Junior hti j $14J5 98c i Hotel Atkin IS LOOKED UPON AS Your Home Away From Home THE CAFE SERVES MEALS CONTINUOUSLY Go Where All Your Friends Go. Enjoy Yourself WTiile Eating. XTf ADD ZEST j Fl TO YOUR PARTIES ?3l llA WJTH BAKED mmB DELICACIES ! WjfrlSr"- That luncheon or bridge tea &-l'v-&rvtj?. will be so successful if you iigS serve cakes, pies or pastries " from Milford Bakery. Our goods are baked daily by experts who know howT BREAD, ROLLS and PASTRIES MILFORD BAKERY PURITY, t :-yM, yes, 11 economy vtfW TOO ! There are all kind3 of "hams" and "cooked meats" on the market but the Wise Housewife knows that only one i kind is sold here the best! That assurance goes with every pound of food we sell you. Also, you can buy here MORE ECONOMICALLY than elsewhere. The White Market A GOOD STORE IN A GOOD TOWN ! M mmm warn EMBW jj P '' ' ' 1 1 i ts- For March 1st and 2nd z z 1 FISH SaJmon and Halibut 25 I I BANANAS 3GTbdsMd.rr. 25s j J EGGS stZ'T.. 33c I ORANGES sZird M! 15 I I POTATOES ' iy j ? MATCHES 6 T 19c I V Carnations or Bordens 1 Ac j MA P 1U j CATSUP 45' I j SOU? TT2, 29i MAYONNAISE 3? j 1 NOODLES "rtiriZ1 33 I 9 I I BROOMS Extra g00(, "1"tie Nationa' Brooms gc a I J 5 lb' bucket select Jam ggc X s ALLEN CASH STORE X South Main Street Telephone 39 J MILFORD, UTAH I WANT ADS i ! FOR SALE OR RENT Upright pi- ! ano. Chas. E. Moore. 2-22-tf-chg. J FOR RENT Modern 3-room furnish- ed apartment. D. W. Muir. , 2-22-tf-chg. I A GOOD buy in house and lot. i House completely furnished ready to , move into. Four rooms and bath. In- J quire News. 2-15-tf-chg. 1 A FEW good furnished apartments , for rent. Eciuippod with coal or elee- J trie ranges. See Mrs. Osborn at Mar- tin Terrace Apts. 1-18-tf-chg. CORNER DRUG i COLVILLE ICE CREAM Quarts or Pint Urickg 3 FLAVORS 11 r! Evening Gowns I ; I (DIRECT FROM NEW 0h I YORK) ff Y' I foil! -I' j j All colors of the rainbow and &j j! styles that are the last word in &S?f ji'j I fashion. feff li p! l !l I ' felii i ; jl THE BEST WAY TO APPRE- iT; II j i CIATE THESE IS TO COME Jjf 1 : j'j I j IN AND SEE TI-IE31! IsftiRf' sail, ! I We Cordially Invite Your WX'yJt I l Inspection. f II CLINE'S w ! :l SPECIAL OFFER! - MARCH ONLY! 1 ! ev3ooe9eese69S9oaee399ca9eeM i A WASHER for ' ! ft 99 11 JUST THINK ! YOU CAN OWN THE GREAT THOR if l FOR ONLY ft $1.00 Down---$5.0Q per Month 1 li THE THOR IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL, KOST DUR- l i ABLE AND FASTEST WASHING MACHINE ON THE 1 j I MARKET TODAY. i hm Hl? Their flprw I p mm km d i m uUm I . j PHONE FOR DEMONSTRATION j 99999999 9te3SOTS3toeecea.sti 1 1 I Telluride Power Company j B999999999ff'!n J999I9 CI)tf9!J 0),tf |