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Show PT ii;"'' I A. Sour Stomach ill) 1 1 10 same time It lakes a dose ot odn to bring i little temporary rellet of gas ii'ul sour sloiiuuh, l'hiliips Milk of Magnesia lias uoid'uy oomploie-ly oomploie-ly chocked, and the dlgosilvo organs till trail. iiiilk.od. Once you have tried tills: forai of relief you will cease to j worry about your diet and experience mw freedom In eating. I 'This pleasant preparation Is Just ns Ipood for children, too. I'se it when ever coated tongue or fetid bivuih signals need of a sweetener, l'hysl-cians l'hysl-cians will tell you that exery s;ioo:i I fill of Phillips Mill; of Magiu-sia n.ni I tralues.niany times its Yoh'.'.ae in acid. I Get the genuine, the nam? Phillips Is Important. Imitations do not act the tame: PHILLIPS b Milk . of Magnesia For Pi!es, Corns Bunions,Chilhlains,etc. Hanford's t Balsam of Myrrh I A3 dealers r iiitiioru? to refund year aaoey for tie j first batik if fret sotted. Ql or bursitis ara eas ,yan J quickly removed, with- a cut knife or firing' iron. '.J''' Absorbinereducesthem 'VV permanenlly and leaves no A blemishes. Will not blister r- i cr remove the hair. Horse worked daring treatment. At druggists or $2.50 postpaid. Korse boot 6-S free. Strrprised nssr wr:tcs: "Horse tad larprwt sb-ie boH I -:vc-r sa'v. Naval! per!'. I v.-culJ rot havo tnosa; Ab&crOB couni taite it atj' so completely." What- Will do V , V V It v ft Wlien jir Children Cry for It There Is hardly a household that hasn't heard of Castoria ! At least five million homes are never without it. If t!:ere are children In your family, there's almost daily need of Its comfort. com-fort. And any night may find you very tnankful there's a bottle in the house. Just a few drops, and that colic or constipation is relieved ; or diarrhea checked. A vegetable product ; a baby remedy meant for young folks. Castoria Is about the only thing you have ever heard doctors advise giving to Infants. Stronger medicines are dangerous to a tiny baby, however harmless they may be to grown-ups. Good old Castoria! Remember the name, and remember to buy It It may spare you a sleep-)i sleep-)i less, anxious night. It Is always ready, ' always safe to use; In emergencies, or for everyday ailments. Any hour of the day or night that Ilaby becomes fretful, fret-ful, or restless. Castoria was never more popular with mothers than It la " today. Every druggist has It At first sismof amid, tske M? ST-o, j;3v KAWHi'S REMEST-the las- B il tivo that thorough!? cleans B your intestines. It i3 the one 3 , quick way to eet relief and ..,,, NT g :37d Four health. Mild. liO'KivEi! 1 Btfe purely vcsetcble. 'tO-MORJIOW pi'-rat-2Si Ql AE-MIOH For Sale at AU Druggista To Put On f needed flesh to rnrirh the blood Ukc Or. ir"N-vv-v r:rrt;'s Gold':!! M:di-17 M:di-17 Vj ca' discovery. JJy I I rrilor'utf normal ac- W 111- l'on ''ie sloniacn atK Jyl AU other di-rancd organs A IrA' a,l'l funclioiis. it builds I fe. J the flesh up to a sale 6 and healthy standard rJ W promptly, pleasantly and W naturally. The weak, Vi emaciated, thin, pale and puny, are made strong, plump, round, rosy and robust, also pimples and blotches arc driven away. All druggists, limiid and tablets. I(r;i(J llns omiiNcni: "I had RiMric btomafh trouble ami wrjul.i jt terriiilv 'liMrrwl. TUne wrxe unly Just c;Jtin twit I touNl eat without with-out liaving chic tjf tlint bad &x-ILs, I wa wriik nl nrvrr Mt tyxxi. lint in. Pirrrf'fl (ioMen Medical Iia every rrllcvd me. I ran rat almost uiy llitiijr. wiUiout dtwlff Mrs, Mary l)alton. 3115 Reeves Ave., Ogdcti, Utah. Send lUc for trial pkt. to Dr, Pierce's Invalids Hotel, Buffalo. N. Y. , , v . : .-.;, .vo 1SAME PRESCRIPTION HE WROTE IN 1892 j When Dr. Caldwell started to practice mcdieine, ba;k in 1875, the needs for a laxative wore not as great aa today. lVople lived normal lives, ate plain, wholeflorno food, and got plenty of fretih' air. hut even that early there were drantic physics and purges for the relief of constipation, which Dr. Caldwell did not believe were pood for human beings. The prescription for constipation that he used early in his practice, and which he put in drug stores in under tho name of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, is a liquid vegetable remedy, intended for women, children and elderly people, and they need just such a mild, safe bowel stimulant. This prescription has proven ita worth and is now the largest eelling liquid laxative. It has won the confidence of people who needed it to get relief from headaches, biliousness, flatulence, indigestion, indi-gestion, loss of appetite and sleep, bad breath, dyspepsia, colds, fevers. At your druggist, or write "Syrup Pepiin," Dept. BB, Monticello. Illinois, for free trial bottle. Health living TTi All Winter long Marvelous Climate Good IloteU Tourist Camp Splendid Road. Gorigeou. Mountain View.. Thm teonderfu I tieser t retortof tne (Feat FWHf Cre. Ch.tr., aim 5iri 23 CALIFORNIA "Including" Is the Word "Reggie has nothing to talk about except himself." "Why the exception?" FIND "FRIEND " Ifl HEED" Mother zni Daughter Praiss Vegetable Compound Johnson City, N. Y. "lly daughter wa3 only 20 jears o'.d, but for two i years she worked in misery. She was e'Cv- all run-down, nerv--.? ous, had aches aud ... ?- if pains and no appe-y appe-y tite- 1 as takins ' :: Lydia B. Pinkham'a r7 Vegetable Cora-ss Cora-ss V pound with good j-' J f s results so she d9-& d9-& ' , n t , cided to try it. Ba- s fore she had takea - ' tw-0 bottles her a KTSiS!!2Z22S!l petite wa3 better, Ehe was more cheerful and was able to work. I cannot praise your medicine too highly. It is wonderful for mothers and for daughters. It's surely 'a friend ln need'." Mas. L. E. Halt, 223 Floral Avenue, Johnson City, N. Y. ,V'r- ' v- "' t - JillSilllifllliil J," -::!''!- , . Vf ' J'wVO.'' j TF you ever have rheumatism, !' SC'-' -C . j A lumbago or other pains that ; !; ' 1V' ' ' - : Penetrate t0 tIls very bones and vN V joints, Bayer Aspirin offers - ! 1uick relie and such complete , - vt:iS 1 comfort that it's folly to suffer. ' I KeeP these ablets handy in ' 1 ""UCk it 1 the house; and carry them in i, y 1 your pocket. Then you need L'iV,!- ft-'Vit-.'l never , suffer long from any n s yT" 1 attack of " neuralgia, neuritis, Vx , V rheumatism, or even from a .V' Vt''v. ' bad headache. Eayer Aspirin $S .;wlv"i ' . -x 1 is a marvelous a itidote for all 1 v r vw ' pain and iias no effect on the : Wur, ' 1 heart. Proven directions for r "T & N i A mar)y valua')le 11563 in eye.rr I lx H- bx of genuine Bayer Aspirin. aiDtrlo 1 tU trada mark ol Bajer Maui!..tura or UonoacjUcacliksnter ot SaUcjllcaeM |