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Show OLD FRISCO MINES TAKES ON NEW LIFE Frisco Silver Lead Company Opening Up High Mineralized Territory. Fifty years ago, the San Francisco Fran-cisco mining district was one of the most active in the state. Tho camp of Frisco boasted of a population popula-tion of 2,500 or 3,000. Twenty-seven saloons flourished. Five hundred men were employed at the Horn Silver Sil-ver mine. Two smelters operated operated steadily on ores from the famous bonanza. Today, the camp is deserted, but with the Horn Silver mine reopened by the Tintic Lead company and much activity planned for adjoining properties a rejuveration such as has been the order of events at Tintic at Park City and at Bingham is predicted pre-dicted for the Frisco district by L. F. Block, president and manager of the Frisco Silver Lead Mining company, which is developing a group of claims one mile west of the Horn Silver and adjoining the King David group of the Tintic Lead company. "The mineral resources of this ter-. ritory are immense," said Mr. Block Thursday, "yet the Frisco district has been neglected. In our property, the Frisco Silver Lead, we have followed ore from two feet below grass roots. In the Imperial Copper, adjoining us. a body of" per cent copper ore 102 feet has been exposed but no production pro-duction attempted. Much.Mineral Exposed Fine showings have been cut in the Cupric.the Quad Metals, the King David, the Brack Bird and others. The Moscow is opening up, I understand, in the Star district nearby, a big ore body below the 1500 level. The Horn Silver will be a big producer, I am sure, and with the demand for eop-per eop-per some of these others showings will no doubt receive the attention they deserve in a short time." Operations are being maintained steadily at the Frisco Silver Lead, according ac-cording to Mr. Block. Nels Johnson is foreman. A two drill portable compressor furnishes air. Ingersoll Rand power drills are used, two bunkhouses have been erected and other needed buildings. "The Frisco Silver Lead lies on the immense brecciated zone extending extend-ing from the Horn Silver mine in San Francisco valley to Wah Wah valley," explained Mr. Brock. "It was at the intersection of this zone with the north-Houth Norn Silver fault that the immense Horn Silver orebody was found along the contact of the trachyte and Cambrian limestone. Geology Given "A northwest-southwest quartz monzonite dyke at least a mile wide, with numerous branches cut across the country from the Horn Silver to the Wah Wah valley. . This stock, I believe and so do many others, is the source of the mineralization in the district. With regard to this stock, the Frisco Silver Lead has a similar position to that of the Horn Silver. The Frisco Silver Lead Mining company has, according to Mr. Block, drifted ninety feet to the southwest in continuous ore that makes both the fissures and the limestone bed. A winze has been put down 25 feet on the fissure which shows from 5 to 6 feet of ore. Samples of the ore assay from 5 to 150 ounces of silver to the ton, 5 to 76 per cent lead and from $1.20 to $5.50 in gold, says Mr. Block. From straight development work, the company has derived a considerable con-siderable amount of both shipping and milling ore. Sinking will be continued to the 100 level, where drifts will be driven both ways to the fissure. Western Mineral Survey. LEAVER COPPER COMPANY TO RESUME PRODUCTION OF COP-'ER COP-'ER AT MINE IN BEAVER LAKE Announcement is made that the leaver Copper company will re-ume re-ume production and shipment of copper ore from ils properties in the Beaver Lake Mining district, just as ioon as new equipment which has been purchased can be installed. The present high price of copper, coupled with the indication that the copper market is going still higher, enables the company to mine and handle at a good profit a large amount of good copper ore which has already been well developed in three jhutes in the copper section of the property. Settlement sheets shown the better grade running 8.G per cent copper with some higher grade and a large quantity of lower grade which can now be handled profitably. A. J. McMullen, manager of the company, announces that equipment has been and is being purchased for delivery as soon as road conditions will permit. It is proposed to install a modern compressor and all equipment equip-ment necessary for intensive mining. The lead section of the property is already well equipped with a three drill compressor but this equipment is too far distance from the copper end of the property to deliver the air from the lead plant. In consequence conse-quence a new equipment is to be installed on the copper section so that proper development and operation of both the copper and iead sections of property may be carried on. The No. 3 cross-break however, shows one running 70.2 per cent lead, 7.2 ounces silver and 60 cents gold. In the limes found near the surface sur-face at D the lead content shows at 71.6 per cent, silver 44.7 ounces and gold $14.00. tl Is proposed to drive the main drift to cut this at a depth of about 545 feet. The Beaver Copper property is just nine miles from the famous old Horn Silver now being intensively developed develop-ed by the Tintic Lead company ,is near the Moscow in which an important import-ant strike was recently made and also near the Beaver Crown which is developing important ore bodies on the 400 and 500 levels. Capital is evidencing considerable interest in the Beaver Lake district and there is every indication that this senson will see some big de-vflopmcnt de-vflopmcnt here. S. L. Mining and Legal News. |