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Show j EXPRESSIONISM j - - iy I I K I in O : i i i 2' S ! S3 ? Q i Call IT I What You Will - 5 : I j AN ADVERTISEMENT PLACED t IN "THE MILFORD NEWS" j I Will Push 2 I Your Project . ? I THRU i I j Ci'r are included in the hffy - Merriam Vcbstcr, fsuch as acrcgraph, li'$ 'K broaJta,l crcJj f Vfy patrogttmis, etc. A! vC New names and places are listed such as Caber, Sandburg, $talm, Latvia, etc. Constantly improved and kept up to date. WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY Get The Best The "Supreme Authority" in courts, collcpct, ahnvU, nnd B'noni? Rottrnmrnt ojjuials both l::JraI and Stilt. 452,000 entries including 400,000 voitibitUry terms, 3.Z,000 rv?raplic.il subjects, 1 2,(100 tiofiwif.t entries. Over 6,000 illmtwlions, and 2 00 iw-HaMt iw-HaMt iMa. Sttiti fur Vrtt, nnv, rhi'y ilhulrittr.i pamj'hUt crtntiiininr htmpll cf tin Nfuf hiUrrutlional G. &. C. Merrlam Company Springfield, Muss. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY JELSEY'S BARBER SHOP Located in JOHANSEN'S POOL HALL "At Your Serv ice" rR. L. F. KOHLER . Dentist Examinations and Diagnoses Free gAM CLINE Attorney-t-Lw Jefferson Block Milford, Utah E. F. B. DAUDE, E. M. Hotel Utah, Salt Lake City, I'tah Research Explorations Branch office: Main Street Milford. Utah O. F. HUBBELL, DRUGS CLEANLINESS SERVICE COURTESY. I I flM. F. KNOX Attorney-at-Law Will Practice in All the Courta of tki State BEAVER, .... UTAH CHORTY'S BARBER SHOP " First Class Barber Work Beauty Parlor in Connection . ' V MILFORD CLEANING & TAILORING Suits cleaned, pressed $li0 Dresses, cleaned, pressed $1 to $1.50 Mrs. Charles Kelly We now cover DUNLOP TIUES with this No can compare with this new Surety Bond, backed by Dunlop AND the American Surety Com pany. It is blunt. It says: "Your tire will run perfectly for, 12 months or we stand the giff." No matter whether failure is doe to accident, or collision, or blowout, blow-out, or misalignment, or stone-bruise, stone-bruise, or road-cuts, or rim-smash, or side-wall injuries, or rube-pinching, rube-pinching, or valvc-teiring, or faulty faul-ty toe-in, or undcr-inflation. We will cither repair it free of charge, or you get a new tire rednced price. Of course, we offer this Sir.. Bond only with genuine Du.. t. They are the only tires that arc built strong enough and fine enough to make possible a Surety Bond, especially one as libera,! and sweeping as this is. Come in and read a copy. Dun'nf' i uu- WintrrirtJ Tin new in rttik . . . This detj suty teilb Chstns ' MILFORD MOTOR SALES i ! MILFORD, UTAH QUALITY FIRST That has always been our motto. Second to that Is SERVICE. Our aim therefore is QUALITY and SERVICE. Our line of GROCERIES and Fruits and Vegetables in season have stood the test of T years and we solicit your patronage only on a basis set forth In this advertisement. Phone No. 107 for your Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables. The Miller Market Wm. MILLER, Prop, Where Your Patronage Is Appreciated |