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Show LOCAL DISPLAY DIS-PLAY ROOM FOR WHIPPET CARS With the opi'iiiiiK of tho Milfonl rYcil store in its old UH-:vtiou on Main street on Momlay of this wwk, the Willys-Overhiiul denier is found hous- eJ in the nortli portion of this build- in , whore there is now on display one of the new Whippets. It is certainly cer-tainly nn (novation in the liijht cur field. It is n four-door setlim selling for $702.00 delivered !t Mil ford. According to n statement from A. F. Smith, the Willys-Whippet ileiiler, the new Superior Whippets represent superlative mastery of modern design, de-sign, and is distinguished by beauty that commands instant admiration and bears testimony to creative genius gen-ius and painstaking attention to detail. de-tail. The new Whippet is the first car to offer the new "finger-tip control," con-trol," a single button located conveniently conven-iently in the center of the steering wheel, which controls all of the functions func-tions of starting the motor, operating the lights nnd sounding the horn. This fundamental improvement does away with all foot-fumbling for the starter button, a frequent source of annoyance, particularly to women drivers, also avoids changing from the comfortable driving position to reach the light switch on the dash. With the new "finger-tip control" you can at all times keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road. When the original Whippet was introduced in-troduced with four wheel brakes and ;" other high priced car specifications, it completely revolutionized the light car engineering practice. The New Willys-Knight is powered power-ed by a larger motor, with longer bodies, higher radiators and all of the conveniences of the times in the lowest low-est price in the history of the Willys-Knight. Willys-Knight. The Willys-Knight dealer at Mil-ford Mil-ford invites the public to view these cars at the location in the Milford Feed store. - n |