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Show Neal's Mother Has Right Idea Within a few months there will be no more feverish, bilious, bil-ious, headachy, constipated, con-stipated, pale and puny children. That prophecy would Eure-ly Eure-ly come tme if every mother could see for herself how quickly, easily, nnd harmlessly harm-lessly the bowels of babies and children chil-dren are cleansed, regulated, given tone and strength by a product which has proved its merit and reliability to do what is claimed for It to mil-i mil-i lions of mothers In over fifty year3 of steadily increasing use. As mothers find out from using it how children respond to the gentle influence of California Fig Syrup by growing stronger, sturdier nnd more active daily they simply have to tell other mothers about it. That's one of the reasons for Its overwhelming sales of over four million bottles a year. A Western mother, Mrs. NenI M. Todd, 1701 West 27th St, Oklahoma Pity, Okla., says: "When my son, Neal, was three years old he began having const ipatlor.. I decided to give him California Fig Syrup and In a few days he was all right nnd ooked line again. This pleased me so much that I have used Fig Syrup ever since for all his colds or little upset spells. It always stops his trouble quick, strengthens him, makes him eat." Always ask for California Fig Syrup by the full name and see that the carton bears the word "California." "Cali-fornia." Then you'll get the genuine. |