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Show fCflv,' T .1 You can get results after a fashion with any old dye; : j but to do work you are proud of takes real anilines. That's why we put them in Diamond Dyes. They contain from jsjf v .- three to five times more than other dyes on the market I "v- ost morc t0 male? Surely. But you get them for tha tn &.'! a"c same price as other dyes. l.i K ' , Next time you want to dye, try them. See how easy it is fl 7 cj'5'lf'p use tlem- Then compare- the results. Note the absence 'lat re"yeil look; of streaking or spotting. See that L W7 t1C)' take none f tne "fe out f me cloth. Observe how A -Trliul the colors keep their brilliance through wear and washing. p J UH Your dealer will refund your money if you don't agres 'Ajj.i 1 11 u Diamond Dyes are better dyes. t$X 1 iw7 1 'ie w'te Package of Diamond Dyes is the original "all- xy ju purpose" dye for any and every kind of material. It will C . y Jn I C dye or tint silk, wool, cotton, linen, rayon or any mixture avT f materials. The blue package is a special dye, for silk or wol only. With it you can dye your valuable articles of silk or wool with results equal to the finest professional work. When you buy remember this. The blue pack- Ti ihj.iji i iiTfi 9e 'yes '"k or w0! on'y- The white package will dya iVif-iH. every kind of goods, including silk and wool. Your dealer L.,(H'vf--' vl'.a has both packages. Easy to use Perfect results AT All DRUG STORES . r!-i".'A:iil I S HOTEL Nev; house SALT LAKK CITK. UTAH J Oni ot SJt Lnk Citys !!nt ft hoteN. wtier Euets find verj ScomfiTt with a warm h4Hmtl-ity h4Hmtl-ity Carstre id connection. Caff nd cal'clcria 490 Rooms, KACH WITS BATB $2.C0 to $4.00 pl... i -w-H niii ii Ba iTi mlir i 'Write for It Today" J iir it to n s i n a roMi'AM I I W.9 Market St.. Denver, Colo, J RICH All ED Mrvto New nouhlp-rrtl l1lt-lonr Apfl fcUuiHAPH-M.K LAVuil-l K.Tl UK .OU'.H cximmmur li IV-U-loils. liu( U rivr m ooKsonriler. AM. V: li,fl,ll HHIIIJ AST KKD, too MriiMJ Kx.Mlli'nt k-'opor. (J.'t XCNl'irM n,,t tmUAtlon tn" ot thl iirfo,-t .-iiiple e err 17 whore, do-i!tp' do-i!tp' niiinMiii'J. KriM :n vhnn;o prevent, suvl fully iiuannlool hv MmUV vd, n-sponnito wmpwiy. 1 1 t oi rA 4 J r j6 o. NimSFHT j'o, J I 'Venntlipo. WAnhlnjfton, Ttt, I. I i j Mill. frvocnlorlUmtwxt booklet nnd prt.-llrt. J j Name ... j I AvMrow , j mn1 I nntl lnvet.tniri.1. 9.111 oi lo th hi'si ; I M ux . h Hu n. n llh 45 lire l'"nrn.' iM lh wut.-r tiMk. S,f Ri rr ran hi tx titbit. In n,i p. tMYl:!l ml apt " for -:irlv huiihliiti nn.l Riimitw ot wlii'i,' I.MJitoil in Mr sinn II town, ki1 t'i oipooln f'T 4 li mi in' In k oil uolls mi, l 1 :i tit on tl In Nou wVX 11. mit hnvo nit otnioi tunil) lo lr- J i ;ml lll,t thi nwnlit Tor tin- prl- e 't la ,.0 piM- m'n T- ttn t r ui ir m raiiKtil, Writ AHNiH 1 HON ; V'nrmern nnd M i-!uiut llinli, lr-vi, l'tih. IftfrftS Y COVllc- FOX nnd SKUKM InsCrurtfo. i. lHU!iCt LUAAXDS, LivinKhm. nnttn t Cjposc a Prjfit5'.!e Vocstlon i : A Lonrn tin Uitiu't Cuiti rM' mi i'lt"n l-r n 1 is umn M'H lit t.mkM !ii Irion h I" A A pnmlUH MON..V. ,"ni.i'... s. ut iv.tiL j T t T Vir HUJ'I it ,liM I, J i J a:M llf( tUtl . K Ul.iUol MT W. N. U.. Bjlt Lkc C.iiy. No. 1) 1- 1 |