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Show AUTOMOBILE NOTES OD OflMOD DO CCD DOC 00 00150 000 0 I'.etter to ride slow In an auto than fast In an ambulance. There are two sides to everything but In inotoilni:. keep In the right Hide. Iteekless drivers who fall to observe the "Stop" sign are on their way to a "Co" funeral. "Cet a new la ly ui'd have your top repaired." says an advertisement. I iim't you wish you might V San Antonio. Texas., lias one of Ihe Intent union lenninals for bus lines to ho ereet"i, v.as buill at u co t of :,'::im.i too. Front heel le ni lugs nre beliellteil greatly by Memhinnual baths. It In well Iwl'-e n year to remove, clean. Xrense and adjust them. Tl lean- ',iik process Is most micccssful If ! Miff brush and Kusulinc lira gxeil |