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Show UTAH LEGISLATURE The daily sessions of the Utah legislature legis-lature are becoming longer and more intense as the time of the meeting meet-ing draws to the zenith. Last week was the last regular period per-iod for the introduction of bills In the house and many measures were brought forward. A recommendation from four of the six representatives of the Utah legislature who attended the tri-state Boulder dam conference at Santa Fe was that no immediate action be taken. Regulating the sales of burial certificates cer-tificates and service certificates by mortuary companies, funeral directors, direct-ors, embaliners or others is the object of a senate bill introduced with the thought of protecting the public in buying contracts of this nature. A measure of considerable interest was one introduced by Rep. Burton, asking the government to eliminate all tax exempt securities. 1 One measure sought to create a I state board of institutions for the supervision su-pervision of penal and correctional memnralizing congress to eliminate institutions, provided for the regular payment of wages to employees in all lines of industry aud requires the regulation reg-ulation and licensing of salesmen to prevent fraud. This law would hamper hamp-er the horse to house canvasser who sometimes fails to remember to ship an order after collecting for the merchandise mer-chandise at the time of sale. The battle on newspapers printing print-ing of various public records, manifested mani-fested iu a number of measures introduced in-troduced iu this session made a new-record new-record with the appearance of a bill by Rep. A. P. Miller of Salt Lake providing pro-viding for repeal of the statute requiring re-quiring Uie publication of a delinquent delinq-uent tax list. The present law requires re-quires that county commissioners prepare pre-pare a list of all property on which taxes are delinquent nnd cause the list to be published in a nowspaper of general circulation. DII.I.S INTRODl CED-THE SENATE Tlollingsworth Providing that a per son serving time In the Utah state prison may not l.e paroled until he has served the minimum sentence provided pro-vided by law. Iloliingsworth Authorizing the supreme su-preme court to make ruTes relating to pleadings, procedure and practice In the courts of Utah. Welling Hunting to the propagation propaga-tion of fur bearing animals. Amending the existing law relating to seining of fish. Il.dlingsworth Requiring all those I in charge of locomotives to ring a beil nnd sound a whistle upon apporaching a crossing. I'arratt Amending the Law relating to county libraries. Maw (living county commissioner! Jurisdiction over grate yards, cemeteries ceme-teries nnd all resting places of the dead, crematories, etc. IHlltnan Relating to governing the pln-e of residence for the purpose of registration. Ilo'.lingv.vorth Requiring records a common carrier shall keep of tickets, pnsess and mileage books. Iloliingsworth Amending law relating re-lating to loan, trust and guaranty associations, as-sociations, Iloliingsworth Requiring the secretary sec-retary of state to give a surety bond ns the collector of fees for registration registra-tion of nntomoblles, Mnw Itepeailng the law providing for collection of personal property taxes by county assessors. l'nllerson Relating to amending a law relating to property exempt from execul bin. Welling -To allow the Agricultural Agricultur-al college to edablish a laboratory for the sludy and dlagno-is of animals ani-mals and their diseases. l-'oules Repealing law relating to placing freight cars in the rear of trains. I Smith -Making all railroad com- j panics Hal In for killing livestock. Candlanil - Increasing the borrowing ', power of li.e slate armory board. I Maw Regulating the pasleurlza- Mom, testing and sale of milk, piovld- I Ing for Ihe enforcement and fixing of iH'iinl'Ics In cllles of first nnd second class. Kvuns A measure to rcgulato lb-3 tie. mussing of hunters upon Inclosed lands and providing that whero 11:0 owner or tenant resides upon Inclose I i (Mill hated hinds warning signs need not. be posled. Ha'-klng Increasing pay of geai'4 nnil trial jurors In dlslrict courts. Irvine Muipowering county eorv mlasloner lo appoint a coroner. ni.l.S INTItODl C KI) Till; KOI SK Overlnnd --Approprlnt Ing a sum of money for the Indian Wnr velerans. I'lercy - Creating a Utah minimum wage cenimlssloii to Investigate nnd regulale wages paid lo females and , minors. j Cooper - Regulating cosniesl lelaus, a I registration system for the luruO'cr.-t of so called beauty work. Hansen - l'rnvldlic: thai an employ-er employ-er be required lo bring his spotter or delert.ive forward If lie has caused n discharge of it 1 1 employee nnd such is reque ted. .let'l'ei- i l'ro iding that proper!; owtiifs, cities towns, hoards of cdu cation or miinl'lpal corpora 1 buei, if dims 1 1- Tied with a se i- inenls In the review by the slate cqe.il llznl Inn board may bine a ri". lew of such asstv.s. meals in tin- ile;h let court. Mel'iiilhiiil Itelallie; to change of venue. Mcl-'iii-lane ItelnUng lo buttery 01 ttusHiilt cases lu Jinithn uour's. |