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Show LIONS JOIN TOWN BOARD IN REQUEST FOR A ROAD LEVY DIRECT A PROTEST AT DOUB-; DOUB-; LING TAXES OF MINES j IN UTAH HOUSE BILL 71 When the town board meets wi'h the county commissioners at Beaver on March 5, to present an urge for cooperation co-operation on the county roads leading lead-ing from Milford, they will also present pre-sent a resolution from the Milford Lions club asking county aid on our roads. This request will ask for a county levy which is not provided for at present, the only fund available for county roads being a state road levy. The roads in particular need- ing attention are the two roads thru 'ime nats, me roau nortn toward tsiae'c Rock and the road to Moscow mine. Protest Jorgenson's Bill I A resolution will be sent from the Milford Lions to the Beaver county representative and to the senator from this district, and copies to the daily i.., spapers of Salt Lake, protesting pro-testing the passage of House Bill 71. This measure, introduced by S. M. Jorgenson, would place the taxable valuation of mining prorjerty at six times the annual output. This would double the present tax, which is base;' on three times the annual output. Different members of the club spoke I on this matter, which was brought up i by Sam Cline. All were of the opinion opin-ion that the measure on becoming a law would put Utah in the unenviable position of discouraging mining capital, capi-tal, and just now particularly, would react unfavorably in our own Beaver county mining district, which is in the stages of quick development. Other matters of interest which occurred oc-curred at the Lions meeting at the ' Atkin cafe Wednesday were the plans to visit Horn Silver mine soon ' and hold the regular meeting at Mrs. j James boarding house in Frisco; th.3 ; decision to keep on with the system I of fines within the club, which are used in the payment of delegates' expenses ex-penses to the conventions; mention of how to combat the continual rumors of shop removal; and the naming of ; delegates to the district convention at Midvale. These delegates, officers of the club, and alternates will act a a committee to arrange a Milfor.-l Lions club stunt at Midvale. Milford was about the only club at the meeting meet-ing at American Fork last year which did not have a stunt of some kind. |