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Show j SHEEPMEN ANGRY I A committee from the Beaver County Wool Growers called at the News office this week and asked us to publish some facts about sheep pelt stealing. In some instances, in-stances, it may be assumed that the pelts were not stolen, but in reality, such is the case. Instance.-, were given where ailing sheep were left and when the ovners , . came back, the animals were found pelted. Pelts from dead animals belong to the sheep ovners, ovn-ers, just as much as does the live animals. Depredations have even , occured among flocks of live ani- ' m.-ils; sheep have been killed and - i ! pelted. j The sheepmen of the county want it known that they are going ,, I to take reprisals if the depreda-I depreda-I . lions are continued. These repris- ; als will consist of full prosecution to the limit of the law. |