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Show Drink Water to Help Wash Out Kidney Poison If Your Back Hurts or Bladder Bother You, Begin B Taking Salts ; When 70nr kidneys hurt and your back feels sore don't get scared and proceed to load your stomach with a lot of drugs that excite the kidneys and Irritate the entire urinary tract Keep your kidneys clean like you keep your bowels clean, by flushing them with a mild, harmless salts which helps to remove the body's urinous uri-nous waste and stimulates them to their normal activity. The function of the kidneys Is to filter the blood. In 24 hours they strain from It 500 grains of acid and waste, so we can readily understand the vital Important Impor-tant of keeping the kidneys active. Drink lots of good water you can't drink too much ; also get from any pharmacist about four ounces of .Tad Salts; take a tablespoonful In a glass of water before breakfast each morning morn-ing for a few days and your kidneys may then act fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithla, and has been used for years to help clean and stimulate clogged kidneys; also to neutralize the acids In the system so they are no longer a source of Irritation, Irri-tation, thus often relieving bladder weakness. Jad Salts Is Inexpensive, cannot In- : Jure; makes a delightful effervescent llthla-water drink; which everyone should take now and then to help keep their kidneys clean and active. Try this ; also keep up the water drinking, and no doubt you will wonder what became of your kidney trouble and backache. To Avoid Infection Use Hanford's v- DaSsani of myrrh All dealers are authorized to refund your money lor the first bottle It not suited HAS THE' LAXATIVE IN 1 YOUR HOME A ;. DOCTOR'S APPROVAL? Some things people do to help tKe bowels whenever any bad breath, Vfeverishness, biliousness, or a v lack'of appetite warn of constipa tion, really weaken these organs. Only a doctor knows what will cleanse the system without harm. That is why the laxative in your home should have the approval of a family doctor. The wonderful product, known to millions as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a family doctor's prescription pre-scription for sluggish bowels. It never varies from the original prescription pre-scription which Dr. Caldwell wrote : thousands of times in many years ; of practice, and proved safe and reliable for men, women and children. chil-dren. It is made from herbs and other pure ingredients, so it is pleasant-tasting, and can form no habit. You can buy this popular laxative from all drugstores. An Old Friend In a New Pre33 a? r I.vdia E. Pixxttam's Vegetablb CoMfOUiSD is now prepared in con-5J con-5J venirnt, palatable, choc-i choc-i olato coated tablets packed in small bottles. Each bottle contains 70 tablets, or 35 doses. Slip ' ' " a bottlo into your hand bag. Carry your medicine medi-cine with you. During the tliree trying periods per-iods of maturity, maternity and middle ape, this remedy proves its worth. 98 out of 100 report LencGt after taking it. These tabhis are just as effective effec-tive as Uie liquid. Vegetable Compound sasSHsHHMHIiVHnBIIIBHaMI neglect a COLD DISTRESSING cold in chest or throat that so often leads to something serious generally responds to good old Musterole with the first application. ap-plication. Should be more effective if used once every hour for five hours. Working like the trained hands of a masseur, this famous blend of -oil of mustard, camphor, menthol and other kelpful ingredients brings relief naturally. natur-ally. It penetrates and stimulates blood circulation, helps to draw out infection, and pain. Used by millions for 20 years. Recommended by doctors and nurses. KeepMujterole handy jars and tubes. To Mothers Musterole is also made in milder form for babies and small children. Ask Jot Children's Chil-dren's Musterole. Ieafness J$$S$Jr HEAD NOISES SNNOSTRUS.-jS.f EAR. OIX 11.23 U Dmggiitt. Descrlslrra toW-r is request A. O. LEONARD, Inc. 70 Fifth iit, New York City 1IIGLY 0l m Nature's wwning btpntorec1er t. sY B yonr complex Ion and paint rvd rose m3 M In your pale, sallow cheeks. Truly P - m wonderful results follow thorooffh 5f B colon cleansing. TaJceNR ff i 3r B NATURE'S REMEDY toregulate p O and strengthen yoorelimhistive or- 2 3 B (rans. Watch the transformation. J Try Nil instead of mere laxatives. J Bild, safe, pvely veteUUe at ix aunts, only 2St f FEEL LIKE A MTTJJON. TAKE) The Tryst "We'll meet at eight o'clock, as usual, Hans, and when one of us Is late " "I will wait, darling." Could Eat Only Certain Foods Never Felt Good Ogden, Utah. "1 S, had stomach trouble gr A and it pulled me clear iRc w down in health, my M I V food would sour u cause gas to form 'a - and I would be terri- Strr-bly Strr-bly distressed. There j&A 7i were just certain $?&jr K'K food) I could eat fr JfjlJl without having one tfltcr1 1 er of these bad spells. I was weak and never felt good. I took Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and it has so relieved re-lieved me of this condition that I can eat almost anything I wish. Nothing I have ever taken has given me such help as the 'Discovery' and I endorse it as a stomach medicine." Mrs. Mary Dilton, 3115 Reeves Ave. Liquid or tablets. All dealers. Send 10c to Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N. for a trial pkg. of tablets. Maheslife Sweeter Next time a coated tongue, fetid breath, or acrid skin gives evldenca of Bour stomach try Phillips Milk ot Magnesln ! Get acquainted with this perfect anti-acid that helps the system keep sound and sweet. That every stomach needs at times. Take It whenever a hearty meal brings any discomfort. Phillips Milk of Magnesia has won medlcul endorsement. And convinced millions of men and women they didn't have "Indigestion." Don't diet, and don't suffer; Just remember Phillips. Pleasant to take, and always effective. The Dnme Phillips Is Important; It Identifies the genuine product. "Milk of Magnesia" has been the U. S. registered regis-tered trade murk of the Charles II. Phillips Chemical Co. and Its predecessor pre-decessor Charles II. Phillips since 1875, PHILLIPS & Milk . ox Magnesia W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 10-1930. |