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Show Get poisons out of system . . , Doctors know that this modern scientific laxative works efficiently in smaller doses because you chew it. Safe and mild for old and young. Feenmint i; FOR CONSUMPTION Sunshine" All Winter Long At the Foremost Desert Resort of the West marvelous climate warm sunny days clear starlit nrghts dry invigorating) air splendid roods gorgeous mountain scenes finest hotels the ideal winter home. Writ Crmm A Chmy PALM SPIIIKGS California , DIABETES Believed in K days, euro not Impossible. Booklet upon request. Kllngerfl Flowering Herb Co.. 6629 Dnkln St., Chicago. III. STOCK FARM BOO ACKKS Owyhee Co., Idaho. Wonderful opportunity. Ask details. Bl:ttchloy, Caldwell, Idaho. This Mother Had Problem I As a ru'ei ml,k 19 jf A about the best food O ilk, for children, but g Is 41- there are times when 6 k ) 4 they are much better L " Jf ofc without It. It should always be left , 1 off when children y show by feverish, fretful or cross spells, by bad breath, coated tongue, sallow skin, indigestion, indiges-tion, biliousness, etc., that their stomach stom-ach and bowels are out of order. In cases like this, California Fig1 Syrup never fails to work wonders, by the quick and gentle way It removes all the souring waste -which Is causing caus-ing the trouble, regulates the stomach stom-ach aDd bowels and gives these organs or-gans tone and strength so they continue con-tinue to act normally of their own accord. ac-cord. Children love its rich, fruity flavor and It's purely vegetable and harmless, even for babies. Millions of mothers have proved Its merit and reliability In over 50 years of steadily Increasing use. A Western mother, Mrs. May Snavely, Montrose, California, says: "My little girl, Edna's, Ed-na's, tendency to constipation was a problem to me until I began giving-her giving-her California Fig Syrup. It helped her right away and soon her stomach and bowels -were acting perfectly. Since then I've never had to have any advice about her bowels. I have also al-so used California Fig Syrup with my little boy, with equal success." To be sure of getting the genuine, which physicians endorse, always ask for California Fig Syrup by the full name. PILES Pile sufferers from Protruding, Bleeding, Itching or Blind Piles, can now get relief from very first treatment by using Q.R.Pile Ointment Q. B, (Quick Belief) Pile Ointment Oint-ment Is a new remedy for the treatment of pile sufferers no matter how long aftlicted, guaranteed guar-anteed to give satisfactory relief or money refunded. Before placing this pile ointment oint-ment on the market for sale, it was put to the acid test in both mild and severe cases, never failing fail-ing to produce wonderful results. re-sults. If yon are troubled with piles, do not experiment. Get Q. B. Pile Ointment. If your druggist drug-gist does not carry it in stock, fill out the blank below and mall It to Q. R. OINTMENT MFG. CO. 373 South 5th East Salt Lake City, Utah Q. B. Co., Gentlemen : Inclosed find SI .00 T. O. Money Order for One tube of Q. B. Pile Ointment to be mailed prepaid to Name P. O. Address On conditions that If I am not j) satisfied with results obtained, I am to receive money back upon returning tube to your laboratory. |