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Show I ' v v . r....... a. a OnI We all catch colds and they can make us miserable; but yours needn't last long if you will do this: Take two or three tablets of Bayer Aspirin just as soon as possible after a cold starts. Stay in the house if you can keep warm. Repeat with another tablet or two of Bayer Aspirin every three or four hours, if those symptoms of cold persist. Take a good laxative when you retire, and keep bowels open. If throat is sore, dissolve three tablets in a quarter-glassful of water and gargle. This soothes inflammation and reduces infection. There is nothing like Bayer Aspirin for a cold, or sore throat. And it relieves aches and pains almost instantly. The genuine tablets, marked Bayer, are absolutely harmless to the heart. AFIIE.IM Aspirin ia the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacideeter of Salicyucadd Fliers Say Courage Varies with the Way they Feel AEROPLANE This is the les- l pilots tell us lllfiiip son we can learn that their cour- '1M:!kk!M'y' from airmen. It age, their whole is the lesson that attitude toward ' points to Nujol flying, varies from s mM0M the simple, natu- ' day to day, with iilpit!: ral, normal way the way they eel. MWCr without theuseof If they fed full of :: hm drugs or medi- pep healthy they t " - cines to keep the can try anything body internally -nothing fright- Mmm clean of the poi- ens them. Their f3MM$mMW$t sons that slow it een7etheirnst li , , W J is machine-like immmX&mmm. It forms no habit; m its perfection. J it cannot hurt It is an entirely llllililailill'i'i even a baby, different story, !l!!!ilP;Ms i ii. " See how the however, .if they mmimwMM&m vjwwm::-:-; .r , ,,, ' L J sunshine floods wake up in the ' . . ... i i into vour life morning feeling , sick, down in the Member of the "Caterpillar Club" when you are mouth. Then fly- earns his right to membership by t ,-1 Tm I refldanger"63 a 5000 f' Emergency Jamp. age at any drug Whatisthematterwiththesebrave Btore. It costs only a few cents people when they are not up to par? and it makes you feel like a million The natural poisons in their bodies dollars. Find out for yourself what have not been swept away. They are Nujol will do for you this very allowingtheirbrainstobecloudedand night. You can be at top-notch e(fi-dulled e(fi-dulled by poisons which should not ciency and happy all the time. Get a be permitted to remain in the body, bottle today. 1 V " N Miserable with Backache? It May Warn of Disordered Kidneys. DOES every day find you lame and achy suffering suffer-ing nagging backache, headache and dizzy spells? Are kidney excretions too frequent, scanty or burning in passage? These are often signs of sluggish slug-gish kidneys and shouldn't be neglected. To promote normal kidney action and assist your kidneys in cleansing your blood of poisonous wastes, use Doan's Pills. Endorsed the world over. 50,000 Users Endorse Do&n's: J.F.ParUcr.llSMannionSt., Pit taburch, P., nyn: "I gladly rwMO. mrnd Lonn' Pill., tvlv kidneya were not acting normally. I"le accretion wera very ir regn la r n nd burned i n pm: n. 1 won Id t up in tl.e morning 1 1 red and tiff all over. I had ft eomtant bac,; aclie olid beottocbes annoyed me. 5incc uaiaa; Lloan a Pilia 1 have been m good ahepc." Boards Pills A Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidneys 1 a- |