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Show TED hj) 1? T j!7 "RvT rTTJ OR PAY TEE PRICE 'FflE control of disease is largely a matter of SANITATION. You have to keep incubators and brooders and hen bouses clean ... or pay the price. Chicks will not thrive and become profitable unless they are raised under sanitary conditions . . . And Siewis' High -Test Lye makes sanitary conditions easy and sure. !ps3Pf. THE cdltcr 0! th!s paper and mVm hatcherJes and poultrymen m1 V everywhere will tell you to dis-ff dis-ff solve 1 can oi Lewis High-Test ,-5, t 'ifi Lye to 10 gallons cf boiling liWl' Ifew water for best results. This so-m so-m lutlon wi51 cut rig!it through It ttFETYFCTJCNTo,, m thc dirt 231(1 bnh an;! set to 5:: Ljr--i iv& 31141 reMlove e germs that 1 1 fWfUUJ' ttll v Sesir3r ynr chicks. Then l m'M Wi? 11 spray with a B-K dilution. $i Write or a valuable book on fi pt. '52r '5 fM poultry sanitation . . . It's En?vsTJtW M free. JAMES D. SWAN, Mor. of Specialfies rSS1 THE PENNSYLVANIA SALT UFO. 0. SSyUJa Dept. SL-3, 0 Horth La SaUo SU CIiloHgo ."0.00 liEWARD For ftnyooe that can buy better roses than ours 1 hetr roses art 2 yr. old field frown U need oiar ronesi ... . . . we nectl your business Write for Catalog FORDHAM NURSERY CO. BoxF,Sandy,4JUth and Salt LakeCity, Utah IW-M PARKER'S &gpM2 HAIR BALSAM liS-tg Removes Dandrutf-StopgHatrKalllllE SKf -Sya Restore Color and "fe'Ja Beauty to Gray and Faded Hail fO5vt . GOc. and 81.00 ac DrutrtrlBta- Bi?M(l fx mucus: Olifm. Wh. Patrbociic, S. T. FLORESTON SHAMPOO Ideal for nso In cooueclion with I'arkcr's liair llaleom. Makes too hair soft and fluffy. 50 cents by roaU or at Jrug-eiats. Jrug-eiats. Hiecoi Chemical Worka, Patchogne, N. X . ! jjjj Kn CimlraH 15 fluid Prscts; - i 1 XS S AMHbfrsp"' '.',3 fj el si (j 'o,1'v""Tr" 7Sirf N J M IB H Jr 4 iiS iiyrnioiiW";r,-J 4 ' VSA. V ..iJW Mrsl NoTNARCOT.' .1 V for It f I . V Constiwlioflwlt)LarT'" .... V'S islWiW ' Children hate to take medicine jJ yfSan ii as a rule, but every child loves the jjlk "' 1 taste of Castoria. And this pure yl Ji .jSJTfi vegetable preparation is just as Q!aJn'Jtit good as it tastes; just as bland IjjSI 5gA and harmless as the recipe reads. H rlfiSISw!'? (The wrapper tells you just what Rl ZJ? Castoria contains.) When Baby's cry warns of colic, deserves a place in the family a few drops of Castoria has him medicine cabinet until your child soothed, asleep again in a jiffy, is grown. He knows it is safe for Nothing: is more valuable in diar- the tiniest baby; effective for a rhea. When coated tongue or bad boy in his teens. With this special breath tell of constipation, invoke children's remedy handy, you need its gentle aid to cleanse and regu- never risk giving a boy or girl late a child's bowels. In colds or medicine meant for grown-ups. children's diseases, use it to keep Castoria is sold in every drug the system from clogging. Your store; the genuine always bears doctor will tell you Castoria Chas. H. Fletcher's signature. ' Insure Him a xjt- n. Healthy Skin jQv)V through life by using sS' ATA f 1 V-Cs j Soap i I f Oeaiwing, Heal- "t i ing, Soothing t . 1 r'' and Antiseptic NJ ' Soap 2 Sc. Ointment J5o- and SDo. Tlcnre 2 So. PropHetoni Pottor Drag ik Chemical Corportv -- , tiocL, Maiden, Him. |