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Show J I-h rv1; v ft t . ? , .'pi V r j Acidity The common cause of digestive difficulties diffi-culties is excess acid. Soda cannot alter this condition, and It burns tha stomach. Something that will neutralize neu-tralize the acidity is the senslMa thing to take. That is why physicians tell the public to use Phillips Milk of Magnesia. One spoonful of this delightful preparation prep-aration can neutralize many times lt volume in acid. It acts Instantly; relief re-lief is quick, and very apparent All gas Is dispelled; all sourness is sooa gone; the whole system Is sweetened. Do try this perfect anti-acid, and remember re-member it Is Just as good for children, too, and pteasant for them to take. Any drug store has the genuine, pre( scriptlonal product j 'Phillips Milk . of Magnesia girk be Attractive toSMen "Nature Intended You Should He! If your rtrtv rxffi stomach and tyV bowels do not 5 TiW function M VVr'Pv properly, Wo?w4Ai.l the bloom rMwoiuh rapid- k V VcafyL ly disappears. tfJii Doctor IMI Pierce'. Golden Medical Discovery usually meets the need. It invigorates the whole system, corrects the irregularities of the digestive di-gestive organs and makes the blood redder. You have pep, vigor and vitality. vi-tality. Your eyes sparkle your complexion com-plexion clears up and the bloom of youth is yours. All druggists Write to Dr. Pierce's Clinic in Buffalo, Buf-falo, N. Y., for confidential medical advice. ad-vice. There is no fee. j Mi V fmmr 'I had a nervous breakdown and could not do the work 1 have to do around the house. Through one of your booklets I found how Lydia Ei Pink-ham's Pink-ham's Vegetable Compound had helped other women and I went to the drug store and got me six bottles. It has done me good In more ways than one and now I work every day without having to lie down. I will answer all letters with pleasure." Hannah. M. Even-meyer, Even-meyer, 707 N-16 Street, East St Louis, Illinois. |