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Show tired ever & Get poisons out of the system with FeeH-a-mlnt, the Chewing Gum Laxative. Laxa-tive. Smaller doses effective when taken in this form. A modern, scientific, scien-tific, family laxative. Safe and mild. Ss'INS1$T ON V'io" THE GENUINE uuu 'wrTrf.-!T?J''i.jii LWisW r'icwwtv'Mi-FOR r'icwwtv'Mi-FOR CONSTIPATION Cold lik Mead, C&est or Throat? ' RUB Musterole well into your chest - and throat almost instantly you feel easier. Repeat the IVlusterole-rub once an hour for five hours . . what a glorious rcliefl Those good old-fashioned cold remediesoil reme-diesoil of mustard, menthol, camphor are mixed with other valuable ingredients ingre-dients in Musterole. It penetrates and stimulates blood j circulation and helps to draw out infection infec-tion and pain. Used by millions for 20 years. Recommended by many doctors and nurses. Keep Musterole handy jars, tubes. All druggists. To Mothers Musterole t also made in milder form for babies and small children. Ask for Children's Chil-dren's Musterole, illlilllli miBAMCHE?, jy flf Instead of dangerous heart de- 3f ft pressants take safe, mild, purely t ll vegetable NATURE'S REMEDY L i Js and get rid of the bowel poisons Ju. that cause the trouble. Noth- jK ing like for biliousness, Bick S headache arid constipation. Acts I pleasantly. Never gripes. Milt3, iafe, purely vegetable At drvczitts only 25c. Make the test tonight FEEL LIKE A MILLION, TAKE The Ideal Vacation Land Sumihitie AM Winter Long Splendid roads towering mountain ranges Highest type hotels dry invigorating in-vigorating air clear starlit nights-California's nights-California's Foremost Doserr Playground FWrlto Croe A Chattey c.4Liru:viA - 3 4. " (- - I' - 1 When Rest Is Broken Health Suffers When Kidney Irregularities Disturb Sleep, IF troubled with bladder irritations, irrita-tions, getting up at night and constant backache, don't take chances. Help your kidneys with Doart's Pills. Recommended the world over. Sold by dealers everywhere, every-where, 50,000 Users Endorse Doan's: Mr. Clara Nicdt-r, 6P6 Enrrlo Ave., I Detroit, Mich., aya: 'l had dizzy Bpclta I and a persistent backache. 1 felt BO tired I tUat I couldn't do my housework. 'I be I kidney secretions were too frequent and I broke mv rest et nibt. AtLer taking F Doaa'8 FiIU I felt fins." |