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Show ri:.S-,sft'f::.,...i.- :rW xfaiA.- -..:yt,u .4- -i.-M r- ;jA,.Ufrt? A.".'-. fci-r-jtriT-kiKf.-.a.. .-i-.'j --t, , ' "' ' .at:.--.-. .- : I , .. . .1 . r,-;-- y-h.-at.-..i,a.Mt.-Jai!!a--ad f -'-j .... .... .. ; I 1 I I i JC lS! il!P ENTIRE FAMILY for Everybody! I Pi P 1 B h-J fr fmmP " O Boys' and Girls' kj N I W I STt . ifelyfffllX , Ti DRESS, SCHOOL AND -CROWDS WILL JAM OUR . . P-4 m n AfTIftN! ' WH V- 7 work shoes Si 1 E b- A l 1 1 OW ! j I y U Sm- Mfy SBpporsandOVa, STORE FOR. THESE N II MEN'S CHAMBRAY W &jfg , S5..0. Fi reaction- SAVINGS (' I rl WORK SHIRTS e-m 1- . i PI fa , Select quality, full and pl Sfe f I O O J W PrA(nk roomy, triple stitched f W ill P b1 fclBfW rfl I I f 0 Q n eeams. Extra special 4 a5 V V fe IIeIJU ' fe4f I : S 55c ALL NEXT WEEK i Jf jn . . a Dresses that sold for $15. 'fMMf I" II WL( l. d. s. garments the Giant Bargains Roar! ss' at S1-93-Fh,al ; iffj J J 1" Ptl H O O Men's and women's new News of extraordinary importance to ev- .-MlQ f Vj ,1 iffef5W Si 8 I ia rS S style garments. Regular cry man woman and child living within 100 ths efM il B -'M Vk: 13 k sf?:V--' ''r3 I I IUUU $1.35. Final reduction miles of Miiford. We have gone thru the entire W p lJ M 5VnS' 1 pgsyikA stock, tearing in right and left and rounding Y ,f 1 tt VfCH! f' ;-t,3 ttr-' i out all odds and ends and broken lots, throwing s'.l b i p-f Ljls'i I" 9. P'3 J them into the melting pot for final and quick im 3 JKAS - - V1' A.rf H ' disposal of the entire stock. This must be a kJT 'PW1'' ' j -"sv -k 11 Bra, clean sweep we are not withholding one single ""' r1'1? " ' I-;'n All WOMEN'S artWe-eyerything in the store is on sale. It's MATRONS' SATEEN ! 'A'lSQ T 1 tfl kfA mi HANDKERCHIEFS a store-wide disposal. DRESSES JMP P' i". J .'. 7f74 YOU MUST HURRY IF YOU WANT A v .. . , . . -A7 t ' : t" V U'3g US i Assorted colors in fancy GOOD SELECTION I Neatly styled for street 1-V y JSir MllCT Patterns. Extra special- NEVER BEFORE PERHAPS NEVER cf " '!,ta?e Ppie,f; ''V- ? - i 4mr lUlIbl AGAIN-SUCH BARGAINS ! 5f-n FLn.S 'g25. I II IV Go! -1211- Free Hose Saturd'y m $9 Oj; ! tj. vW4??Cr To the first 50 women making a 5js S f R S AN-Xin - i i'-i mi 1 4 NiH-P? Purchase of $1.00 or over will re- tsa E Ssa g UWV i - - N-1 fel V Via4lL ceive free of chai-ge a beautiful W-i f" iiinr.1V1'W pair of Silk Hose. Be here early .J rim 5 rxmv ?IMTS ( i ('T -V ' I fef! feffS nip WtHW and get your hose! GIRLS LMON SL1T& 113 y; -j L AH IIVP W';fW Short leg, no sleeve, age 2 m hY Are -rr oT P rsi iL V M Soft and povous knit, 16x31 . MtTA ;V T' t- N faO ? I l?ncinrl Lay in a good supply. Ex- fo&f MP :1 F--I Ivd'r1 r r t r V V ; vl silk hose bargains x!-,So?W' ? m W0m On 2 for 19c wht wen ved woman t&m 4TWf A Shoe Bargains that Spell Economy and Thrift! don' kow A1!en-A H.os: f'-' ti ' fe-'fe'' I J n AnctiPiwo i-ivr nx-T-i-Trc leiy? Here VOU Will find ? '-''Zm iiggg-0. .. i N yMJlj TLnnn MEN'S COTTON SOCKS FLORSHEIM S HNE OXIORDS the latest in pastel shades, vV'WJ - ! f! I liPSP , , J v , Men, you never see Florsheim shoes on fu'i fashioned. long silk f ' LiSI-e f, r I I fir&iP7 X liVOV Black, gray and brown, sale other places for less than ?8.85, but dur- Regular $1 00 Final .l ? 1 lmv& Shaped foot, fast color. Ing this sale we are going them one better and reduction ' ' "--Mtf'l V I 1 (' C Extra special, per pair offering your choice of the $10.00 line for ' "V & V5 T I ib Sa ings 8c 7-45 69c turn pi EXTRAORDINARY SUIT BARGAINS A 2 DRESSES FOR LESS f$ W gfiri Extraordinary Suit Bargains. Some 2-Pant JW jV THAN THE PRICE OF ONE ! rl :'v-2-' f I Suits at Next to Nothing Prices. yT AZs. 4eTK 1 (Ml -S Ult-V 5 For Your Bcnef it Just Bof ore Easter We Offer l hB h Dress Up for Easter ! R : . These Sensational Bargains Mf . i. 3 j f HART SCHAFFNER MARX SUITS V fT In t!,U dress offering you will find the 3 : I ",; W7 Hand tailored of the finest imported and -J w, ( ff choicest of the finest quality of imported silk JVl ij i ' I iWf hon, sPUn w001 materials in the most desirable $ ( 1 material in the newest styling. Manv are re- Ix-'-l 1X Y A colors, in light and dark patterns. This lot of '- k V productions of Paris' latest creations'. The , I f - . 1 I suits consist of conservative and young mens rjL &A k'ss , . , f.''V ' I If A IJJ t3;::::j sport models. We fee! positive you were never t;; colors offer a broad selection to choose from. I; " 5 - I rl ' offered a suit value to compare with these. Reg- BEAUTIFUL HATS kfMM Uogular values to S39.50. EACH, at Final Re- 'ir ijlj j '.V :r-4 fcv'l lA J ular values to $43.00. Final Reduction for Easter , duc,ion iL' j f at greatly reduced prices! ' (ii j . lVil t pi f;i ipIloJU 251 Off piVeJd j , i. j , ' , ; . '' irmmrr 'N. MEN'S SHOES and OXFORDS f f- J si; : -'.Vt WW llK'S$& ( rr Newent Mylm, longeiit Tvic valuoa to " vi "mmMm hhK $1.95 j r, "Yf.r S. . Women's and Girls' Eautcr Slipper yr Av'" , ; " " ' S A J.'n:'i-- '7 f I . Value. $3.00 to $7.00. Finn! Reduction Syf"'s Vs" V ':Vu- : ' t ii "Wlg fefla, $2.75 ga.j ri h. f Miiford rAnf3( Golden Rule Jfxp. M j uiii&a Utah ssBn.lj BX1 baa 2 Store v u. h |