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Show YES IT is too early to START planting YOUR GARDEN now, but JUST the same, it is not too EARLY TO begin thinking ABOUT it. HAVE you looked OVER THE SEED display in OUR window? THERE are boxes of FERRY'S LAWN seed which WE hope will DO THEIR share this SPRING in making YOUR lawn PRETTY. THERE ARE all kinds of SEED for ' YOUR FLOWER gardens. THEY WILL grow in Milford. MANY flower gardens in MILFORD prove it. There SHOULD be more FLOWER gardens in Milford. AND " THERE are vegetable seeds IN OUR w -indow of all KINDS. LOOK THEM over AND plan your garden NOW. TheMillerMarket $1 750 BARGAIN 1 Excursions and other points in California from tjtAH POINTS on L. A. & S. L. Railroad DAILY-MARCH 15 TO APRIL 30 Plan now to take advantage of this unusually unus-ually low bargain fare. For $17.50 you can travel in a comfortable Union Pacific pVrj.jTy Coach or Chair Caa to any of these points M"iS'3 w"1 convenient station Cafe Meal Service rN3f4j BARSTOW RIVERSIDE LOS ANGELES POMONA -M-- PASADENA SAN BERNARDINO Proportionately low fares4 to other California points. For further information consult TICKET AGENT "The Overland Route" PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY JELSEY'S BARBER SHOP Located in JOIIANSEN'S POOL HALL "At Your Service" rR. L. F. KOHLER Dentist Examinations and Diagnoses Free gAM CLINE Attorney-at-Law Jefferson Block Milford, Utah XM. V. KNOX Attorney-at-Law Will Practice in All the Courts of the State HEAVER. - - UTAH QIIORTY'S BARBER SHOP First ClasB Barber Work Henntv Pnrlnr In CnTincHnn MILFORD CLEANING & TAILORING Suits cleaned, pressed $1.50 Dresses, cleaned, pressed ?1 to $1.50 Mrs. Charles Kelly E. F. B. DAUDE, E. M. Hotel Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah Research Explorations Branch office: Main Street Milford, Utah O. F. HUBBELL, DRUGS CLEANLINESS SERVICE COURTESY. Qiim-Qippin I Wlven tve say "Gum-Dipping" y - 'H;-- K it's just the same as saying rf 'v -S Wt JW ' Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires have held the StuJcbaker Presidents which trar- f first place in every official test of rug?ed- eled 30,009 miles in 26,326 minuter. On ' j , racetracks over mountain and desert i KSI, ' ness,cndurance,toughnes3,an(iSircly. 1 ., , r. I n-iu ). ... ' . .. . , on smooth pavements Fires ton K Firestone Gnm-Dippea T-es stand Gum.Dipoed Tire9 fce ehown tilem- r. X the shocks the bumps ihc oraitai.t toughest, strongest, most ' V speed cftc fusts-si motor car trh.s ever rugged, and safest tires yoo can jmX OB jT made from coast to coast. They carried vow cat. Listen to The Voice of Firestone" Every Monday at 10:00 p.m. HARDY SERVICE STATION MINERSVILLE A- ' BAEDr' p""" UTAH vtf n gigai of - . progress to. owii this great new ear " Th Coup: fiiS Body by F i.ir The New Pontiac Big Six offers the performance, 6t5 le and comfort of a truly big car. Its quality is big car quality, yet its prices range as low as S74o. That's why it is enabling progressive Americans to step-up in motor car ownership without leaving the low-priced field. Prir,, r to ! SOS. f. o. b. P.nti.c, Sfi.-Wcon rl- .Mir,ry Cf T ' . (-,,, jnorili rrc.ilnr equipment at flight .tlrn cott. Clw h J-JlunJ-ronim 7MJfi.&-thvilu'l' -.''- """ T,m '"- mt,nt Plan available at minim role. NICHOLS & ZABRISKIE Milford, Utah (T E! MEW ttTTi at , -PRODUCT OF U fori fef CENTAL MOTOllS ffiB fc3 VI B V |