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Show : USED cars : Ford Coupe $50 down. Ford Touring ?35 down. Star Touring $65 down. Oldsmobile Touring $G5 down. Star Touring, make good truck $50 cash, if taken this week. Get your orders in now for your new Whippet or Knight before the used car market is filled up. : aeTsmith : Milford, Utah THERE ARE FEW FREE SCHOLARSHIPS IN THE SCHOOL OF EXPERIENCE We have had 27 years' experience in Milford in the Hotel business. ; If we don't treat you right and give good serTiee, tell us and we . V- will do better. ALWAYS REMEMBER THE ' ATKIN HOTEL AND CAFE Now Is the Time- to plant SHRUBS, TREES AND ROSE BUSHES One will not have success with late plantings. We are taking orders for Portes-Walton Co. mountain grown stock. Drop in and, make your selection while stocks are complete. A full line of Blabon's Linoleums and Rugs ALABASTFNE The Sanitary Wall Covering Fresh and Smoked Fish A All kinds of Fresh Fruita and Vegetables The White Market "A GOOD STORE IN A GOOD TOWN" The increase in our business indicates that our prices and service must be right. SATURDAY, MARCH 30 LINGERIE FISTCUFFS SUNDAY-MONDAY, MARCH 31, APRIL 1 THE WHIP PEPUP NEWS TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2-3 BURNING THE WIND With TOM MIX and TONY SHE'S A PIPPIN THURSDAY-FRDDAY, APRIL 4-5 MAKING THE GRADE ALWAYS PLEASURE NEWS J.C.PENNEYCQ MILFORD UTAH I i Your Milkman Never ' Holds A "Sale" ; You would be 'surprised, wouldn't you, if your milk man told you that on Tuesdays and Fridays he would sell milk at half price. Quite naturally you wouJd ques- ' tion the quality of the milk offered you on those days, or you would wonder if you were not paying too much on the other days of the week. ' But, of course, your milkman doesn't sell his product that way nor does the J. C. Penney Company. Both of us realize that our customers must have merchandise of assured quality, priced as near the actual cost of pio- ! duction as possible, plus a fair charge for distribution and handling. i ; Neither your milkman nor our Company believe in marking goods up one day, in order to "cut prices" j the next. i You'll miss something by not seeing see-ing "The Gypsy Rover." WANT ADS 4 THE NEWS will be sent free for one year to any newly married couple. Send ua your name and address. FOR SALE Electric Stove, $85 cash, $75 terms. Used only four months. Inquire Mrs. W. E. Hare at Jockey Myers'. 3-29-tl-pd. WANTED Services of man who is expert in repairing and cleaning out chimney. News Office. FOR' SALE! One hundred pounds of Sudan Grass seed. Produces four to six cuttings hay. Fine pasture. Grows' four to eight feet high. Per pound, 25c. Inquire News office. FOR SALE! Three houses in Milford. Mil-ford. One furnished. Will be all modernized and painted. Inquire A. Garzand at Frisco, or write Box 38, Milford. 3-15-t8-pd LEGALLY correct Mining Location Notices for sale at the News office. 50c per dozen. A FEW good furnished apartments for rent. Equipped with coal or electric elec-tric ranges. See Mrs. Osborn at Martin Mar-tin Terrace Apts. 1-18-tf-chg. : : 2 ONLY A FEW MORE SHOPPING DAYS Before EASTER. z 1 Make Sure You Pay Us a Visit Before Buying Your X 2 Grocery Needs. j -J Sawing i - i jyyy Easter Ham, sugar cured 1 lb. jc s For"' """" "" """ : Strictly fresh Eggs 1 doz. c j BREAD-01"1"' 'L1!!'!'. 10c SUGAR-131" " Breis"sa! ?625 ! ORANGES-8' 81J""T-' el ...... 15c j BANANAS-0" rtK"!r!Tl'':: 29 i DY Mixed Chocolates and other kind 1 lb. (Jc j j COOKIES-1"1- r,!l!.!b:: 39 ! J JJ0 NUTS BraZ walnuts almonds, peanuts, lb. S i We Have X X CHEESE, POTATO FLAKES, PICKLES, OLIVES Sand other luncheon Items that would be good for your f picnics. I 1 ALLEN CASH STORE j i South Main Street Telephone 39 I MILFORD, UTAH I J MMmmnMimi |